Saturday, October 31, 2009

Old Friends

(Character related post. This post is about Kharask, my dragonborn warlord.)

Tulvet was his name. Thought dead on that fateful day so many years ago. When the tribe found him he was not breathing, so they went about there ceremonies, honored the dead with many words and stories, and created a great fire pit to put there honored dead to rest. When tulvet was thrown into the fire many of the elders and warriors were not suprised when he crawled back out. The members of his clan and family had been adopted into the current tribe. Tulvets clan was known for there fearless attitude in battle, and there unwillingness to die. They were not very big for dragonborn, most of them never reaching 6 feet in height, but they made up for there size in tenacity and savagery in battle. Tulvet, like most from his family, had a dragon lung full of deadly acid. Tulvet was never the best warrior in his training squad. He was smaller, less strong, less agile, and less accurate. When the warlords were given warriors to control, they were given a squad of three. One of the warriors was either extremely gifted with a particular weapon, or a known defender, using shield and manuevers to protect his comrades. This was not tulvet. The second warrior was one who had a broad range of skills. One who could use javelins and other thrown weapons with accuracy, was a good melee fighter, and was good at tactical skirmishing. This was not Tulvet. The third member in the squad was handpicked from the remaining warriors by the warlords themselves. These last warriors had no real discernable skill in battle, but were willing to die for there leaders none the less. They were used as shock troops or fodder by there leaders. Kharask picked Tulvet, and there was no hesitation. Kharask was not looking for fodder, he was looking for a squad of able and durable fighters, and the warlord knew of Tulvets family. Where other saw the weakness in Tulvet, kharask saw strength, where others saw a liability, kharask saw an asset. But there was one trait that many others did not know of Tulvet or his family, not even Kharask. Loyalty. After resting most of his wounds away, Tulvet gathered what gear he could, taking a war axe and some simple scaled armor. He learned from the elders that Kharask had banished himself, and wandered into human lands. Not having coin for a boat, Tulvet gathered a few more mundane supplies and headed in the direction of Almory. His duties were not fulfilled, his obligations not upheld. Kharask's chosen warriors were supposed to be with him until death. The elders never specified how many deaths, and tulvet only had died three times so far. He would rejoin his appointed warlord. Besides, they still had one other member of there original squad to deal with.

(ok, thats just a little intro. Mr. dm, change and alter any of the above as much as you like. just a little flavor stuff to get into the feel of him)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Temptations and Victory

(Character related post about our current D&D chronicle. This is mostly under the perspective of Kharask Torn Flames, my dragonborn warlord.)

The Two Scars emerged from the wizards tower victorious. As they had all assumed, those defending the tower were the Order of the white owl, now turned to the side of tiamat. The eladrin were powerful, and there defenses were impressive, but the two scars had gotten all too accustomed to the trickery and strengths of its many enemies. Eladrin sword mages were blasted by Dalanors elemental energies, sapped of strength and frozen in place. There wizards were full of suprises, but when pinned down by the very mobile merric and azriel, there magics failed them. The eladrin also had elemental guardians summoned to do there bidding, but the magic of Erantaelik bound them in place, confused them, gathered them, and ultimately set them up for there destruction. Even there strongest guardians, a naga and its basilisk pets, were destroyed with haste and precision by the resourcefull troupe. The true danger was the only enemy that never directly attacked. A small, heavy blue ring. Azonin (sp). The power of the blue dragon coursed through it, its presence was heavy, alluring, and ultimately the deadliest force the two scars had faced yet. Dalanor, for all his discipline and will, had been falling apart ever since moving into the fey wild. As they closed on the ring, his actions became more driven, but his focus was constantly failing. It was Kharask himself who picked up the ring. It spoke to him. In a sense. It showed him visions of what the dragonborn could be, should be. A perfect soldier, a perfect combination of dragon and dragonborn. His vision quickly switched to her, he saw her form. That was perfection. Tiamat and Bahamut had crafted the dragonborn long ago. They were void of there fathers natural tendency to good, and there mothers natural tendency to evil. They were made to walk among the land of men, to understand and interact with them. Tiamat wanted to change the race, not perfect it. He understood the ring. He understood why it had called out to Dalanor, at least in part. It was desperate too. It had no power without an owner, without something to control and corrupt. Azonin was theres, captured until it could be destroyed or sealed away. If tiamat had been taking them lightly before, her focus would be upon the two scars now. They had to become stronger, to become more powerful. They had won a major victory on this day, but the road ahead was long and dangerous. It was time to make plans and preperation, to begin drawing allies and looking for advantages. Tiamat would have to make a move eventually, and the two scars had no choice but to make themselves ready.

(I'll have more soon!)

Lets do the time warp again

(Character related post!)

Mr. Dm, this is more or less a quick idea drop for you. I know you think that the Gift of Chronepsis is a bit over the top for our level. Agreed. I thought i'd share on some of my ideas, even though you have your own no doubt!

I figure that since we went into the fey wild, the time magic may have dwindled significantly, which would justify us losing the gift. Perhaps using the time altering effects in the fey wild used up all the dragons borrowed magic. So, if nothing else you have easy justification to why it would fade away.

I was also thinking you could weaken the effect. Instead of a reroll for anything, we could get a daily that let us re roll a single skill check we are trained in. It could be like a quick reversal of time to get things right, or make things worse. This way you'd stay away from saves and attack rolls, since thats a little over the top for our level. It would still be useful too, especially on skill challenges that we are familiar with. So though it wouldnt give us a hand in most battles, it would give us a hand in situations we are already familiar with.

I was also thinking it could be a daily that effected initiative, since thats the most time related variable we have. Basically as a daily reaction to rolling initiative for allies (before enemies roll) you could use the gift of Chronepsis to effect your initiative die roll by one point, either plus or minus. This would allow players that rolled a tie on there initiative to save there result. you could not use this effect to tie a result so both people could reroll. (I know someone would try it).

Ok, thought i'd just drop those your way since i was thinking about it last night.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Finding the Path

(This is a character related post about my current D&D character Kharask torn flames. This post deals with a past event in Kharask's training.)

Kharask moved further into the sandstorm. His guide, Khel'keth, was a wise elder among a nearby tribe. He would come to Kharask's tribe during the warlord training, to impart his wisdom with the individual recruits. Khel'keth was in his autumn scales, and the tone of his scales were a deep earthy brown with no highlights or shades among even the thicker scales. The elder led Kharask into the sandstorm for close to an hour, both dragonborn were used to enduring the sandstorms as were most warriors, for the Thri-Kreen would use the sandstorms to raid smaller villages or caravans while the dragonborn senses were overwhelmed. Khel'Keth stopped after a few more minutes of weathering the storm. "This area here will be far enough." The elder paused and spoke again, the dragonborns voice was easily more powerful and commanding than the storm around them. "Kharask Torn Flames, you must now tell me what you see." Kharask focused for a moment, but his sight could not fixate on anything except the moving sand and darkness swirling about them. The elder must be speaking about something else, something far less visible, but something that should be more noticeable. Kharask did not speak, so the elder spoke. "We live as small tribes and villages among the wastes Kharask. Our people prosper only to be diminished by natural predators, old enemies, and new ones. We do not abide the law of one warlord, king, or emperor, but create law among each village. We are a people seperated, a people broken. We all know this, and we all strive to become what we once were." Khel'keth paused a moment, slowly taking in what available air was around him. "Young and old among our tribes and villages grow desperate to return to our former glory. Many agree this is why more blue scales appear in the wastes as the years draw on. Our kind are turning from what we were created as, to twisted forms, wiling to serve dark masters for the overwhelming need for unity." The elder gathererd more air as he gazed headlong into the storm. "Our path is ahead of us Kharask. It lies always in our sight. It is the resurrection of our people, not its destruction. Our people will fade into existence, or we will finally burst from near extinction, to rise again as just lords and kings of vast lands." Kharask took in the elders words as Khel'Keth paused again. "Elder Khel'Keth. When I look for a path within the twisted sands I see one. I have always seen this path. Enemies and allies both lay broken upon it, and far ahead, at the edge of my imagining is a land that would be turned into a kingdom." Kharask finished, and the elder began speaking. "The path you see is the one that all dragonborn should see. As a warlord and leader you must inspire those around you to see the hope that the future can bring. Destruction and death are just small parts of honor. If we would die following this path, our blood would mark the trail for others behind us." The elder turned and began heading back, and Kharask followed. Khel'Keth spoke a few minutes into there departure. "Leave ambition behind you. Leave arrogance behind you. Take only yourself, and the vision of this path. Sacrifice, sorrow, and pain will mark your trails. Enemies will block your path, and allies will seek to forge new routes. Stay true to yourself and your vision, and know that all of these obstacles only prove the very existence of what you seek. It is attainable. We will be reborn." Kharask took in the power of his elders words and there emotion. It was obvious that Khel'keth had suffered greatly following this path. But his words were confusing to kharask. He spoke of the dragonborn as if they were the only race in peril, the only one in trouble. These were trying times for all races. Kharasks vision showed him a kingdom that would strengthen not just the dragonborn, but all those in need of there protection. It would show the right course for others to follow. If the dragonborn were so desperate that even the elders were losing clarity in there visions, then it was time indeed for the younger warlords to take the mantle, and find the direction they needed. Strength must be allowed to flow back in to rimoria. Kharask was not so arrogant as to believe he could do this, but he did know that he would follow the path, never lose it, and sacrifice whatever he had to, if only to make the way clearer for those in line. Kharask forged these thoughts in his mind, focusing on that simple goal, knowing that finding the path was just as easy as losing it. He would not let his people down. He would not let her down. He rested his entire soul on those words. To be damned if he would fail.

(Ok, a little seasoning on kharasks motives. hope you enjoyed!)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Wish List !!

(This is a character related post about my current D&D warlord, Kharask Torn Flames)

Mr. DM! this is a revised wish list and items update about what Kharask has, and stuff i'd be interested in. If you already have the perfect item lined up, like that sweet ass ring, then use your ideas over any presented here.

Primary Weapon - Mauling Maul +2 - Structural Damage always appeals to me. The weapons is really cool, but i'm not thinking it to be carreer based. If it is, theres no problem. Higher versions of the weapon that had the potential to affect the artifact rings would be something i'd go in for. Damage is what his weapons there for, and his weapon daily's dont matter much. I'd look for crit effect stuff and properties on weapons. Kharask doesnt mess around with weapons much, they are there to put hurt onto things.

Secondary Weapons - Javelin +2 skyrender - I like this is a primary ranged weapon. Javelins and throwing hammers would be there as good secondary weapon drops, but i'd just leave alot of that to us buying them. Kharask uses the skyrender about once an adventure, so it isnt a priority.

Armor - Exalted Chainmail +2 - Unless you get some better idea, i'd like that to be career. I dont know what you'd do about the armor material type though. Kharask's armor is abysmal, but i dont want it to fall that far behind. Still, i'd rather keep the daily power over the armor type.

Feet slot Item - Currently dont have any. Looking for movement enhancement. I leave alot of the ideas for this slot to you. Movement is not really a priority for me at this point. The battle tends to come to us, and he usually moves after the enemies, so he doesnt always have that far to go. If you have an idea, like some strange dragonborn specific footwear that appears later on, then save the drop for that item, no need to force a drop on something i wouldnt use much, or could by myself in a few levels.

Arm Slot Item - Iron Armbands of Power - There useless, gonna melt them down into magic dust and save that for a later item. My new ring tops the bonus they give. Dont really know many arm items that may be useful. If you see something that lets me aid or protect my allies, or gives bonuses or abilities that would help my healing or warlord powers then go for that. I'm pretty much covered on damage bonuses for a while.

Hand Slot Item - Currently dont have any. Not looking for anything that gives item bonus to damage, because my super crazy ring would more than likely top it. Again, no ideas for this off the top of my head. If you see something that screams warlord or Kharask, just use that.

Head Slot Item - Helm of Heroes- I like this item, and will more than likely keep it unless you come up with or find something better. This gives a +2 save v.s. fear, and the daily lets me turn a basic attack i grant into an at will or encounter attack.

Neck slot item - Brooch of no regrets +2 - Lets me give a save to an ally with a +2 bonus if they fail it. Not bad, and it is in line with what i want out of daily abilities as far as helping allies out. If you see something that you think would be better, and along the same lines, then drop away.

Ring slot Item - Ring of the Dragon Emperor - yeah.. career. i dont want to lose it. in fact, i'd like to find out about its history and make it a permanent item, maybe upgrading it with a parcel at epic levels. Even if it doesnt get upgraded, i'd career it in a heartbeat.

Ring slot item - Other one is empty - Kharask will be trying to find hints about getting ahold of one or two of the metallic rings, so the party can fight the other ring wielders on equal footing. (and prevent possible character corruption). If that doesnt happen, a ring that gives daily's to help allies, or help healing would be great. Some kind of defense ring might not be bad, since Kharask's AC may be horrendous at higher levels.

Waist - Balderick of Tactical positioning - Good idea, just doesnt tend to work out much with the dynamics of the group. Not bad, i just never get a chance to use its property, so any thing you replace it with would work. Not looking for anything specific, something along the same line might work, as far as an item i can use for support of allies, or help my warlord abilities be more effective.

Other - Battle Standard - Yeah.. Artifact standard will be my career one of those.

Strange or misc - The lion is cool, shame they did not give upgraded versions of those. Save alot of the odd stuff for the magic wielding characters, though if something screams Kharask or warlord, drop away.

Ok, thats it. Obviously i'm focusing on his ability to aid allies first. Combat effectiveness is important, but really only on the damaging end. I dont really need to bolster his defense much, because azriel and erantaelik, even merric, have alot of ways to make attacks not happen, or happen on them. Inspirational items would be fine too. I could see using items that added enhancements to diplomacy or charisma based checks, or other items that had qualities that would seem more regal, or commanding. Kharask is a beast on his own, but his real strength is making his comrades unstoppable, so anything that helps me keep them on there feet would be great.

(Thats it. I'll have more stuff soon!)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Dancing with Destiny

(Gaming related post. The following is dealing with my 4th E. Character, Kharask Torn-Flames.)

Kharask picked the small reed flute from among the grass and blood. The fey creatures around the battlefield had nearly dissolved, as if the fey wild around them were absorbing there presence, or perhaps preserving there grace somehow. The dragonborn followed the scent of blood, and his vision became fixed on the dead unicorn, its pure black horn, violet coat, and dark blood were all that remained of the once majestic and powerful beast of the feywild. What had it said to the elf speakers before the attack, what had Dalanor said back to it to prompt its attack. Did the strange dancing fey creatures need to die, or were they simply wanting to perform, to see there music come to life in the course of battle. Being dragon born, many regarded Kharask as a blood thirsty killer, so intent on completing his goal that all other life had little meaning. It was a misconception. Kharask cared greatly for the life around him. He knew all the races had become distant from one another, some had become savage, some had become hated and vile creatures. This was not entirely the fault of the individual races, but a fault of a few beings tampering with rimoria. All the order the gods put into the world had been stripped away a thousand years ago, and chaos had reigned since. In confusion, the weak are easy to manipulate, enslave, and control. Evil had wormed its way into dominance, and Rimoria was suffering. The great Arkhosian empire had died two ages ago, but other empires were gone now as well. In fact there were no empires, kingdoms, or even cities of any great worth that had stood for long in the face of the new age. Tiamat would seek to use the weakness in the world to establish a new dominant kingdom, a new rule. Kharask could not let this happen. The many headed dragon had corrupted or killed much of the Dragonborn people. Humans, Dwarves, Halflings, Elves, and even the Eladrin had been touched by the gods great reach. The plot of Tiamat must be stopped, the threat of an evil kingdom coming into existence must be erased. Kharask's goals were not for him, or even his people, but for the betterment of all of Rimoria. Kharask wasnt looking to be a king, a hero, or even noted in history. His goal would help everyone. The peoples of all races would be given time to build and grow, to expand and blossom. Looking around at the death of the fey creatures made him second guess his allies. Could they not see a direction in there lives, or feel a connection with what they were all doing.
Dalanor had professed that he would not aid the Two Scars against his fey brothers, but he was all too ready to slaughter the dancing fey and the sacred unicorn when faced with an obstacle. If Dalanor had utilized diplomacy or restraint in the face of the encounter things may have been different, perhaps they would have had more allies among the rarer, and more wild of the fey kind. Would he do the same when faced with other creatures of other races? It is true he did not like Vershalk, but his reasons were the type of power that the Vrell posessed. Would it be the same for other races the Two Scars would meet. Hate, indifference, and impatience were growing within the Silver Elf wizard. His people were being influenced by the ring to be sure, and Dalanor believes that he has shaken off the rings corrupting influence. Kharask does not believe this. Perhaps he has fought off some of the rings effects, but the Silver Elf still clings to dark thoughts and ambitions. And the question hangs on Kharasks mind. Why does the silver elf wish to stop tiamat. He has good in him to be sure, but the fey seems to be more interested in his ambitions and personal power. Maybe Dalanor never overcame the rings effects, maybe Tiamat has simply loosened the hold the ring had on him, and now that he is more powerful and useful, is simply drawing him back into the fold. The glyphs of arcane that burn off of Dalanors skin should give the silver elf some insight into just what he was coming back too. He was outcast by his people, why would he believe that he would be welcomed again. He professes that he is worried of his daughter, but this is obviously a lie. Why would the silver elf come back to a potential execution. His death could not help her situation, and indeed, could put the girl in an embarassing or dangerous political event. Kharask does not understand the ways of the silver elves however, and realizes that what he see's as dark and potentially threatening habbits, may simply be the ways of the fey.
The others he can understand a bit more. Erantaelik's people do not celebrate or value life like many of the other races do. To the drow the unicorn was simply another trophy, the fey simply more adversaries. Erantaelik was on a quest very similar to Kharasks. The drow was looking for ways to aid his people, looking for a means or weapons to allow him to overcome whatever enemies had invaded his homeland. It was very likely that Erantaeliks people would not prosper as much from a victory against tiamat, or at least not in the same way, but Kharask had a need for the drows unique arcane powers, and the two had a similar determination to get there goal accomplished. The paths, well, the paths they took would be much different indeed.
Azriel is much the same. He is an honest and good elf, and has little use for lies and deciet. More than likely he is staying with the two scars for the simple purpose of aiding them.
As for the halfling, he becomes more bloodthirsty as the days go on. He talks about killing and murder as if it is second nature to him. His goals are similar to Kharasks own, but he would take vengeance to a dark and dangerous place. It is possible that Merric knows little about mercy or the value of life, simply due to how he suffered in the past. It was always said to Kharask, how creatures could take tragedies to dark places. He himself could have followed the same path, but there is much to be gained by reinforcing your goals with the experiences that have pained you. Kharasks very destiny was carved from tragedy, and perhaps this new destiny was the one he was always supposed to have.
Kharask knows all too well that sacrifice and death will be all around them. He also knows the two scars needs the support and alliance of all the races in order to be fully prepared for the destiny that awaits them. If he can keep the darker aspects of his troupe in check long enough to achieve there greatest goal, then it would be enough. As for the dead fey. Lost allies perhaps, or perhaps a necessary sacrifice. Kharask believes it was avoidable, and holds this combat as yet another regret in a long career of conflict. Let the strange fey dance to there mad tunes in the afterlife, and let the black unicorn watch over and protect them. They died in battle, so perhaps Tovik owes them this one small favor.

(I'll have a more detailed post about the adventure after we climb the tower and get our first ring! Oh yeah, Kharask has one of those flutes by the by. I know you said the fey faded, but i figured the flutes were still around.)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Kharask - Battle Lord-

(Another character related post. this tells about his abilities, current feats, and paragon features.)

At paragon levels, Kharask's abilities to inspire and command his allies becomes even greater. Since the change takes place gradually, I'll explain below how his abilities now manifest, and how his new powers and abilities function.

Paragon Level Abilities
- Tempestuous Inspiration - Kharask never backs down, gives up, or gives in to desperation. His goals are permanent fixtures within his life, his actions simply time spent achieving his goals. His single minded dedication to what he believes as important can be frustrating to many, but his belief in his self, and in the determination of his actions is hard to ignore. When he commands his comrades above and beyond what they are capable of, they now feel this determination, this sometimes reckless dedication to his actions, and he imparts this to them. As the strength comes back into there limbs, they feel a mental comand, driving them to perfection, driving them to succeed. -Game terms : Ally gets a +2 to hit, and +6 dmg until end of next turn, as well as the regular benefits of his inspiring word. If the first attack the ally makes misses the target, then the target grants combat advantage to all enemies until the end of his next turn. -

- Mighty Action - When Kharask gets going, there is very little that can stop him. He may be slow to take immiediate action, but once he invests himself in something it is nearly impossible to make him stop. Seeing him put all of his energies into a combat further inspires his allies, letting them know that this battle will not be lost, but more importantly, to dig deep and pull up all reserves, for if the battle is enough to make Kharask take such measures, then it is a battle to be taken very seriously. -Game terms : Allies get a +1 to hit and damage rolls until the end of Kharask's next turn when he spends an action point -

- Improved Breath Weapon - Kharask's flames were usually seen in combat, but these days the flame flickering from his mouth is more obvious, and more active. As he roars his commands small licks of fire are known to erupt around his mouth and nostrils, and in the cold weather a constant cloud of steam can be seen around his location. The flames that he erupts for combat purposes are also far more deadly. His head rocks back violently when he lets loose heavy blasts of fire which detonate spectacularly, searing the ground and incinerating his foes.

-Tempest Strike - A recently developed technique, though its fundamentals are very much in line with Kharask's tactics. By striking a weak foe and killing it, he creates a momentum that he passed on to a nearby ally, urging him to strike out at the closest enemy, which then passes on to another nearby ally. This is yet another example of how Kharask immerses both himself, and the two scars into each and every battle, making it not just a fight against individuals, but against a well trained, and deadly foe. -1w damage + str + cha mod. if you kill the creature with the hit, an ally within 5 sq. makes a basic attack with cha. mod on the dmg roll. if the target dies, then an ally within 5 sq. makes the same attack, until either a monster is missed or doesnt die, or all available allies have made attacks. -

- Blood Designation - This new technique is a vicious way to mark an enemy to be dealt with first. Kharask follows a powerful swing with either a bite, or swiping claw attack. It is nearly impossible to dodge all of this attack, and enemies are left with at least a bleeding wound. The ferocity of this attack puts the enemies focus completely onto Kharask, and this allows the dragonborns allies to take advantage of the targets single minded focus. - 2w damage + str mod on a hit , no damage on a miss. Target takes ongoing 10 damage (save ends) while taking the ongoing damage the target grants combat advantage to all allies. -

-Brash Strike - This is a new technique, developed alongside Tempest Strike. Kharask uses the momentum of his own attack to set himself up for a counterattack, if the target takes the oppurtunity he sets himself up for a counterattack from a nearby ally. -1w damage +str mod damage. The attacker grants combat advantage to the target, and provokes an attack of oppurtunity, if the target takes the attack, an ally within 5 sq can make a basic attack against the target as a free action with combat advantage.

(ok, those are some of the changes that i've made to Kharask recently. I'll do a personal Kharask post soon, as well as an adventure update after wed.)

Friday, October 16, 2009

New Adventures -Paragon-

(Well, we've finally made paragon level, and have started our first adventure, traveling into woodlands to get to Greystar, the Silver Elf city. This is a character related post)

All members of the two scars had much to dwell on as they returned triumphant to Caran-has. There voyage had been succesful, but there progress as always, had come at great costs. All of them had been touched by the ancient dragon Chronepsis, and with this mark Kharask had knowledge that his goals and desires to see an end to the evil of Tiamat was a real possibility. He could reunite his people in strength, recreate a city that would give strength to the land around it, and bolster the dimming spirit of the people of rimoria. The world had suffered oppression constantly since the great collapse, all peoples and races had suffered, and with this new knowleged, Kharask has a means to give hope back to all the races of Rimoria. There was much to do, for it was obvious Tiamat was forming an army, and already had a host of devils and minions at her command, not to mention those that she had been conquering and enslaving, or turning to her side, such as the various tribes of the dragonborn. Tiamat wanted to be the first god put her full power back into the world, she was amassing powerful artifacts and allies to do just that, and once she had her plans fulfilled, she would enslave and conquer all civilized lands, putting it under her control. Many failed to see this threat, or simply did not know of such a threat. The dragonborn knew of the oncoming war, this was more than likely why Tiamat had invested such time and energy into crippling his people. Kharask now was sworn to find the Great Banner of Arkhosia, and by gaining this he could rally his people, and could reclaim a new city, perhaps even greater than the fallen Bodak. He would find these rings that had been corrupting the world, find a way to destroy them, or lock them away, and he would find allies to aid him in destroying the many legions and allies of tiamat. He would do these things, all of them, and then he would find his way to his great, dark mother, and force her from this world for an eternity. The time for darkness reigning over the weak was over, the land needed strength, kingdoms, rulership, and a will to fight back the opressing forces that had been amassing for a millinieum. If Kharask could accomplish even a fraction of his goal, he would, no matter what the cost, no matter what the sacrifice, there was simply too much at stake.

The other members of the Two Scars were not as invested in his overall goals, but they were helping him none the less. Merric was on board since the recent enslavement of his people, and then the liberation by his own hands. Being reunited with his family had done the halfling much good, but seeing what the followers of Tiamat were willing to do truelly must have opened Merrics eyes. There would be no place for his people in a future ruled by the dragon queen. Azriel, the elf seemed to be on board. He was not as interested in what was going, so much as having decided that the Two Scars were his friends and family. Kharask liked the elf, and he liked the elfs strength. He would need his skills and talents in the future, for there journeys would undoubtedly take them all over Rimoria. Also, he knew a great deal about fear, but also knew about putting it aside, about knowing what was important, and what was worth fighting for. His powers would doubly needed, now that Baerd was no longer with the Two Scars. Erantaelik, the drow. He was becoming a bit unstable, Kharask knew of the drows desires to fight against tiamat, but the dragonborn was still unconvinced that the drow simply wasnt another petty villain, biding his time until his peoples obscacles were out of the way, and then the drow would simply slip right back into his shadowed habits. He needed the drows abilities, as the drow was a capable arcanist as well as a noted warriors. Erantaelik had his purposes, and Kharask just hoped the drow would overcome his nature, though in all honesty, the dragonborn did not believe in this. The drow was loyal, and the drow was a steadfast defender of the Two Scars. But the drow had no other choice. One thing the dragonborn saw in all of the drows actions, especially of late, was the desperation in the shadow elfs actions. He had his own goals, and Kharask was certain that at some point in the future, him and the drow would come to a crossroad. Dalanor, the silver elf. His power grew constantly, and with that, his confidence grew as well. With the return of his memories, the mages ego could be unbearable at times. His way was always correct, his words always the most important, the most profound. Kharask had dealt with those of his nature before, but believe that dalanor was at least trying to find a correct path in his life. Kharask's only worry, was that the silver elf would choose the wrong way. Ego, ambition, confidence. These could be useful, but to an undisciplined mind, they could corrupt one completely. Though he would never say so, Kharask truelly believes that for all his talk, Dalanor's will was not as strong as he professed. He believes Dalanor is on shakey, ever changing ground, and hopes that the silver elf finds some footing, using examples of his recent past, and his darker past, to show him what mistakes to avoid in his future. The future of rimoria may be in the hands of the Two Scars. Kharask believes that they will have some part in its reshaping, but the hands it has been placed in, those that must secure it, these are mortal hands, corruptable, and everchanging. The Two Scars must be vigilante against evil, and against self corruption, or all will be lost.

(Ok, i'll have more posts soon =)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Kharask - Character Profile and Update-

(This is a character related post regarding Kharask Torn Flames, my Dragonborn Inspiring Warlord)

Kharask is tall and powerfully built, even for a dragonborn. He stands nearly seven feet tall, and weighs just over 300 pounds. The scales that cover most of his body are a dull rust color, with the thicker scales that cover his fore arms, shins, upper back, neck and top of his head being a dark scarlett in color. Thick black horns hang from the back of his head in typical dragonborn fashion, and his eyes are small, blood red beads, barely visible due to the similar colored scales. If seen without gear, onlookers will take note of several deep groves over Kharasks bodies, these grooves are actually deep scars that the warlord has recieved during his past. One particularly deep scar is in the upper portion of his left shoulder, and to this day those that know Kharask are aware that he has limited mobility with that arm. There are also small blackened grooves along the backs of his neck, these grooves vent blasts of flame behind him when he uses his powerful lungs to send balls of fire deep into enemy lines. The scales around his mouth are blackened by the flames the Dragonborn uses, but the dragonborns teeth maintain a menacing polish to them. The dragonborns claws on his arms and legs sport long, black talons that he uses more for climbing than for combat. Kharask sports many items in combat and while on adventures, here is a current list. As far as armor goes, the Dragonborn don's a finely crafted suit of enchanted chainmail, the very chains themselves look crafted out of the most highly polished of silvers, and never seem to diminish or become tarnished. The armor is mostly a sleeveless coat, though there are side flaps that trail to the sides of the dragonborns thighs. His main weapon these days is a gigantic warhammer, the handle being crafted out of heavy black iron, and the weapons head being crafted from a larger crafted piece of black iron. A wave of force distorts the hammers head, and those not used to wielding such a weapon find it difficult and heavy to wield. On his arms he carries heavy black iron bracers that help protect his arms from enemy attacks, but better still, are enchanted to enhance the dragonborns momentum of every swing, allowing him to do even more damaging blows with his great hammer. Around his neck he wears a simple metal diamond shaped pendant, in the center of this pendant is a dull red stone. When battle begins, the stone slowly becomes brighter, and when an ally is in danger, it shines its brightest, the magic light flying forth to help aid an ally in trouble. On his back he always carries his two scars banner, a large banner which is red in color, and notched with two black scars. The banner has a slight enchantment, bolstering nearby allies with battle vigor. Fastening his armor is a simple leather, and black iron belt. The enchantments on this item allow him to move faster in response to his foes, and anticipate there movements with great alacrity. He's known to carry several other items of interest as well, such as a golden lion that can transform into a real beast on command. Also he supposedly has an enchanted javelin that can soar great distances, and bring down fliers to the dragonborns level.
Regardless of his gear, the dragonborn is a fearesome opponent that is hard to ignore.

(ok, i'll have more posts soon!)