Saturday, September 20, 2008

Angst in the making

Well, we missed gaming thanks to that damn hurricane. This last week has been rough on our entire gaming group, as well as all of my other friends associated with work. But its more or less over. I do not want to dwell on work so much, i have been there too much this damn week. I can only say that i am happy we will be gaming this upcoming week. Like my friend pondrepof had said, gaming is a great way to relieve stress, blow off steam, and spend some time with good friends. Getting immersed into a fantastic environment, with a great story teller and cool characters is also enjoyable. As i sit here, writing this post i can hear the tell tale signs of a hard nights work from my window. Our new college cubs celebrating our victory means a busy, and eventful night for yours truly. More fuel for my creative fire come game day. =)


Pondrepof said...

How did the hurricane keep you from gaming?

Chaosturtle said...

It knocked out power all over the city due to wind storms. Only a handful of mcdonalds had power. which meant we were the only viable source of food for many families. All of us worked our asses off just to keep up, and thus we were all worn out, or had no power of our own come gaming time.

Pondrepof said...

blame God. He doesn't want you playing Dungeons and Dragons because its evil. Thats why he sent the hurricane to stop you.