Saturday, April 25, 2009

A matter of honor

(Another character related post)

Kharask slowed his breathing as he took up a position in front of Akrava's door. His meeting with her was enlightening for the dragonborn. He missed his people. Having seen them in Karan-Has and again in Almory, the dragonborn had forgotten how much he had missed them. His training was paying off, and he was becoming strong enough to protect his people. His thoughts traveled to his people, and to the oath he had sworn to Tovik. He was stronger, that much was evident, but his honor, his discipline, they needed to be sharper, needed to be more evident. There were trials in the future of the Two Scars that would require extreme measures, and only by trusting on his oath, on his honor, and on his trained disciplines could he see them through. He knew the others in his company did not have a full comprehension of the extent of Kharasks honor, or even that of his people, but he hoped that there traveling together had bettered them in some form. His thoughts traveled to his comrades. Friends, all of them. But more than that, they had been tested together. He hoped that they would all be alive when there trials finaly concluded, but he knew that more than likely some of them would fall. Erantaelik was becoming more mindful of those around him. He still was somewhat selfish in his attitude of what needed to be done, and wasnt trusting of any situation or event that they had encountered so far. Kharask's belief was that the drow simply lived in a society without honor, without trust. The drow had no real sense of honor, and had shown in the past that he would do what was necessary to accomplish the tasks put before him. Dalanor, like the drow, was also more concerned with his own dealings than with that of other people. Though he had softened somewhat, he was still lacking any real system of honor or code. He was disciplined to be sure, his training had taught him that much, but the silver elf was fairly ruthless, much like the drow, when it came to getting what he wanted. The two were very similar in many ways, though Kharask would never say as much to them. Baerd had no honor at all, a fact that Kharask wants badly to change. Other dwarves could never accept him as he is, and the dwarf as of this point has no real purpose for the his people. What kharask finds sad about the situation is the dwarves reluctance to step out of the pit he had dug for himself, to utilize his anger and hatred to make him something greater, something to be proud of. Surely a dwarf, proud and full of moradins thunder, utilizing a hatred over his enemies for the good of his people would be well respected among his peers. There is much work for him to do, but the dwarf needs only a small amount of discipline, and a step towards finding some form of honor to get moving. His blood would take him the rest of the way. Merric, well the halfling may not have much honor, but he is at least loyal to his friends. Kharask worries about what he might be doing while not under supervision, but he must give his friends his freedom. He pulls the reigns tight when it comes to there contracts, so tries to leave them some space when not performing a task. As for Kharask, he will continue his quest to conquer his foes, fulfill his oath, and become a great leader for his people.

(I'll have more soon)

The Death of Araxis

(Another campaign related post)

The two scars made it to the town of Almory without too much trouble. They encountered some orcs, some rabid bears, and a group of tribal lizardmen. All were handled swiftly, showing the ever growing experience the two scars were gathering as an adventuring troupe. Even though the members of the troupe were so vastly different, they had come together quite well. Erantaelik was utilizing his magics to hold groups of enemies together for the wizard to bring his powers down upon them, while maintaining his wards of protection over nearby allies. Dalanor was using his magic much more efficiently as of recently, relying on various elemental bursts or illusions to slow and hinder the Two Scars foes. Dalanor still had trouble with his placement in the field of battle, but Kharask had recently had words with his faithful advisor, and expected good things to come of it. Merric was a constant. He was easily forgotten, but almost allways ended up with the big kill. What Kharask liked most about his resourceful companion was the halflings comradarie with baerd, who's demeanor as of late was becoming worse. Baerd's combat effectiveness however never waivered, he was an upfront striker, and was capable of taking down just about any foe with a good swing or two of his great axe. The two scars had little trouble leading Akrava to Almory and securing a boat. The problem they had was with Araxis, a young black dragon that had recently taken up residence near the coast, and caused all travel to be suspended until the problem was dealt with. Kharask had no choice but to have the Two Scars find the dragon and drive it off, there contract required haste, and Akrava was running out of time. After obtaining a scout, the two scars set out to find the black dragons lair. It did not take them too long until they came to a cave dug down in the earth near a pool of stagnant water. The Two Scars attempted to lure the creature out, and met with some sucess. The battle was vicious, but the company handled the situation in good form, all members sticking to there required positions and coming out on top. After obtaining there trophies from the dragon the two scars searched for some hard earned treasure, and made there return to Almory.

(I'll have more posts soon!)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Kharask Profile Stuff

(This is another character related post about Kharask)

Kharask is a powerfully built dragon born standing nearly seven feet tall and weighing about 300 pounds. The dragon born has dull rust colored scales over the majority of his body, the thicker scales of his body are a deep scarlet, and can be seen on his thighs, shoulders and neck, fore arms, upper back, and top of his head. Several black horns smooth back from his head to his neck in typical dragon born fashion. His eyes are small blood red beads, that cant be seen easily due to the color of his scales. The scales around his mouth are blackened by the flames the dragonborn breathes out from time to time. There are also small blackened grooves in the back of the dragon borns neck as well, these help Kharask funnel air more efficiently when breathing fire, allowing him to hurl a heavy blast of flame at great distances, whereupon it explodes spectacularly. As far as scarring goes, Kharask has several grooves in various places on his body, mostly along his fore arms and shins, These small grooves seem to be how the dragonborn scar. Kharask also has a deep groove in his left shoulder, though he rarely lets that be seen. His allies and close friends know he has trouble with that arm, and that he does not have full mobility of it. Also, those close to him know that he has very poor eyesight, though he usually makes up for this with a keen sense of smell. As far as gear goes, Kharask usually wears a simple leather harness and loin cloth when he's outside of battle, when going to battle or preparing for an adventure he houses much more gear. He will wear a suit of fine and well kept chain mail. The suit is a half sleeved shirt that goes to his waist. He wears a loin cloth and hard leather greaves on his legs. His fore arms have little protection, though he houses a heavy steel shield on his left arm. A blackened clenched fist is embossed on the front of the shield, a noteable field of force keeps the shield polished and free of battle damage. On his right fore arm he has a small cords of ropes bound in a strange formation, possibly telling of a position or station in his tribe or town he hails from. On his legs he has similar cords of rope, though these are ornamented with small stones, pieces of bones, and a green dragon scale on his left leg. His heavily clawed feat are bare as allways. In his right hand he usually carries a battle axe made of darkened steel. The blade also has an unsettling quality to his foes. On his back he carries a full pack, a rolled tent and bedroll at its base. Although carrying alot of gear, Kharask never seems burdened, as if the weight is nothing to him. Along the side of his pack is a quiver of 6 sturdy javelins, in the middle of these is a javelin made from a stark white wood, and tipped with a silver head. Around his neck he wears a small copper disk, a dull red stone inset in its center. When in the heat of battle the stone glows ever so slightly, getting brighter as his friends become more wounded. Looped along his belt are two small sturdy crystal flasks, one filled with a smokey liquid, the other filled with a dark green liquid. Jutting out from the right side of his backpack and towering off his back is a battle standard. The scarlett red standard now has two black marks on its surface, representing the two scars.

(Ok, theres a profile)

Back to the Mains

(This is another D&D related post. This details our last adventure.)

The Two Scars spent some down time in Kharan-Has after returning from there last adventure. They had gold to spend and personal details to attend to. Kharask went to Winterhome, a dwarven establishment north of Kharan-Has, deeper into mountain terrain. His business there was personal, and yielded the dragon born some new insight, and some important information. After returning to the city from the north, Kharask got the Two Scars together to discuss there next contract. Apparently they were to escort a pregnant femal dragon born south along the cost to a town called Almory. This was a port town that Kharask had been to when he first left his home lands in the wastes. His comrades all met him at the Laughing Sprite, save Azriel, who had taken an assignment on behalf of the two scars to lead Eladrin caravans back to there home. They were met by a powerfuly built dragon born warrior named Baurash. The warrior introduced Akrava to the Two Scars and told them that the female dragon born had been the target of several assasination attempts since the death of her mate. She wished to return to the wastes and her homeland to lay her egg in safety. After discussing the payment, the Two Scars accepted the assignment and began there preperations for the trip. Some words were said as to the intentions of the dragonborn warrior, and Erentaelik expressed some distrust with the information he was told, but Kharask dismissed the idea of dishonesty and had his troupe ready themselves. After spending his watch standing guard over Akrava, Kharask gathered his troupe and set out towards the main coastal road. They had no difficulty for the first two days, but on the third day they encountered a group of orcs that had just ransacked a caravan. After putting Akrava into a defensive position, the Two Scars attacked. The effectiveness of the troupe was evident, and the competence of its members was becoming ever greater. The orcs were lead by a shaman riding a great wolf, he had eight minions at his call, and he sent the main force ahead while he took his wolf towards a flanking position. His tactics were sound, but the Two Scars were simply more experienced at these tactics. Dalanor set his magics on the wolf and the shaman, the wolf fell to dire illusions, its simple mind reeling. Kharask and Baerd attacked directly, and the shaman managed to slow them down some, but only for a moment, the two destroyed the wolf, and baerd made quick work of the shaman. Erantaelik used his control of darkness and his practiced magicks to make short work of the orcs. When the dust settled and the smoke cleared, the orcs were destroyed and the two scars were barely even touched. After checking the caravan the troupe moved a bit further along the road to set up camp.

(Thats the adventure preview. i'll have more soon)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Mad Perspective

(D&D related post. Gonna do a couple since i need to stay up. This is a recount of our latest adventure with our Alternate Characters. This is from Zeriveths perspective. No commentary from Erik the Damned. He's sleeping.)

Looking back the solution was simple. Like water. All was not as it was supposed to be. There was discord, and there was delusion. The path was twisted, and so were we, so there was no reason to look for the straight path. Like a broken sword. Without a point. I believe that was his goal. Laurelle. Pretty Laurelle. A smart man with no foresight. Or a child looking for an adult. He found a dragon to fight the dragons. A dragon not seen by this one. Purpose! the age old cure for life. We had one now, in the name of two scars. Two Scars? I count fifteen. Mine glow, but no more rank in the scheme of things, have I achieved. Into the woods we go! that was our assignment. To a small town, from a small mind. A large chest was our burden. Hidden secrets. Sinful memories maybe, or payment for a past. I think so. Into the woods. We are always in the woods. Gorum walks tall in the woods. He likes it there. He's stupid like the trees. He can turn into a tree. Tree's and rocks, rocks and trees. Conversing with him is like chewing on rocks. Painful. Let him walk and talk to the woods. The spirits. I forgot them. Tuvak spoke to them. He spoke to the spirits. All of them he said. I only talk to one. A totem of twigs and bones. His totem. His until death. And death came. Gnolls tore him apart. He screamed loud. There was blood and flesh, wet dirt and torn flesh. But there were no spirits. Weak. Weak and dead. Let the spirits have him. I have his totem. Fair trade i made with them. Merchant of death that I am. Ania watches me now though. Dead eyes, dead skin. She is a zombie, or i would think, if i hadnt woke in the night to feel for breath. Touch her skin. Warm skin. Cold soul. The destroyer of my world, and the savior of this one. A fair trade? A merchant of death. Maybe. So she lives. She lives and she watches, and she scolds, and she looks to a future filled with illusions and stupidity. Laurelle and Ania. If only he knew. There was one more though. Frost. A cat that can turn into a man. Everyone else looked on as it shifted back and forth. They watched silently, patiently. I am screaming like a madman inside. We travel with a monster! A beast! I do what it says so it wont eat me. Let us turn its evil on our foes. Let it eat gnolls and other monsters and grow stronger, and get bigger and eat the world. Let madness take the toll on my dear, stupid friends. I will hold it at bay as long as i can. But we traveled. I forgot my story. We traveled. Along a road and to a town. We traveled and killed gnolls and demons. Some of us made patterns of blood on the earth. Some of us prayed to the heavens. Some of us sang songs. Some of us waited. Waited for the princess. We rescued the princess. Like in books and stories that Erik knew. She was tied up like in the stories. In distress too. Like in the stories. We rescued her. She knew me. Zeriveth of course! She was one of the devil folk. Tails and horns. We took her to the town with us. We took her and i gave her my money. We finished what we started. A race. A book. I'm not sure. There seems to be no end that i can see. No one cares about the winner either. Now i sleep. We stay now at this town of dirt and poor people. We'll travel more in the woods. Always in the woods. I hate it. The darkness in there, like the pit in my chest. Where my magic is. Where he should be.

Thats that! i'll have more soon.