Saturday, April 18, 2009

Kharask Profile Stuff

(This is another character related post about Kharask)

Kharask is a powerfully built dragon born standing nearly seven feet tall and weighing about 300 pounds. The dragon born has dull rust colored scales over the majority of his body, the thicker scales of his body are a deep scarlet, and can be seen on his thighs, shoulders and neck, fore arms, upper back, and top of his head. Several black horns smooth back from his head to his neck in typical dragon born fashion. His eyes are small blood red beads, that cant be seen easily due to the color of his scales. The scales around his mouth are blackened by the flames the dragonborn breathes out from time to time. There are also small blackened grooves in the back of the dragon borns neck as well, these help Kharask funnel air more efficiently when breathing fire, allowing him to hurl a heavy blast of flame at great distances, whereupon it explodes spectacularly. As far as scarring goes, Kharask has several grooves in various places on his body, mostly along his fore arms and shins, These small grooves seem to be how the dragonborn scar. Kharask also has a deep groove in his left shoulder, though he rarely lets that be seen. His allies and close friends know he has trouble with that arm, and that he does not have full mobility of it. Also, those close to him know that he has very poor eyesight, though he usually makes up for this with a keen sense of smell. As far as gear goes, Kharask usually wears a simple leather harness and loin cloth when he's outside of battle, when going to battle or preparing for an adventure he houses much more gear. He will wear a suit of fine and well kept chain mail. The suit is a half sleeved shirt that goes to his waist. He wears a loin cloth and hard leather greaves on his legs. His fore arms have little protection, though he houses a heavy steel shield on his left arm. A blackened clenched fist is embossed on the front of the shield, a noteable field of force keeps the shield polished and free of battle damage. On his right fore arm he has a small cords of ropes bound in a strange formation, possibly telling of a position or station in his tribe or town he hails from. On his legs he has similar cords of rope, though these are ornamented with small stones, pieces of bones, and a green dragon scale on his left leg. His heavily clawed feat are bare as allways. In his right hand he usually carries a battle axe made of darkened steel. The blade also has an unsettling quality to his foes. On his back he carries a full pack, a rolled tent and bedroll at its base. Although carrying alot of gear, Kharask never seems burdened, as if the weight is nothing to him. Along the side of his pack is a quiver of 6 sturdy javelins, in the middle of these is a javelin made from a stark white wood, and tipped with a silver head. Around his neck he wears a small copper disk, a dull red stone inset in its center. When in the heat of battle the stone glows ever so slightly, getting brighter as his friends become more wounded. Looped along his belt are two small sturdy crystal flasks, one filled with a smokey liquid, the other filled with a dark green liquid. Jutting out from the right side of his backpack and towering off his back is a battle standard. The scarlett red standard now has two black marks on its surface, representing the two scars.

(Ok, theres a profile)

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