Saturday, April 18, 2009

Back to the Mains

(This is another D&D related post. This details our last adventure.)

The Two Scars spent some down time in Kharan-Has after returning from there last adventure. They had gold to spend and personal details to attend to. Kharask went to Winterhome, a dwarven establishment north of Kharan-Has, deeper into mountain terrain. His business there was personal, and yielded the dragon born some new insight, and some important information. After returning to the city from the north, Kharask got the Two Scars together to discuss there next contract. Apparently they were to escort a pregnant femal dragon born south along the cost to a town called Almory. This was a port town that Kharask had been to when he first left his home lands in the wastes. His comrades all met him at the Laughing Sprite, save Azriel, who had taken an assignment on behalf of the two scars to lead Eladrin caravans back to there home. They were met by a powerfuly built dragon born warrior named Baurash. The warrior introduced Akrava to the Two Scars and told them that the female dragon born had been the target of several assasination attempts since the death of her mate. She wished to return to the wastes and her homeland to lay her egg in safety. After discussing the payment, the Two Scars accepted the assignment and began there preperations for the trip. Some words were said as to the intentions of the dragonborn warrior, and Erentaelik expressed some distrust with the information he was told, but Kharask dismissed the idea of dishonesty and had his troupe ready themselves. After spending his watch standing guard over Akrava, Kharask gathered his troupe and set out towards the main coastal road. They had no difficulty for the first two days, but on the third day they encountered a group of orcs that had just ransacked a caravan. After putting Akrava into a defensive position, the Two Scars attacked. The effectiveness of the troupe was evident, and the competence of its members was becoming ever greater. The orcs were lead by a shaman riding a great wolf, he had eight minions at his call, and he sent the main force ahead while he took his wolf towards a flanking position. His tactics were sound, but the Two Scars were simply more experienced at these tactics. Dalanor set his magics on the wolf and the shaman, the wolf fell to dire illusions, its simple mind reeling. Kharask and Baerd attacked directly, and the shaman managed to slow them down some, but only for a moment, the two destroyed the wolf, and baerd made quick work of the shaman. Erantaelik used his control of darkness and his practiced magicks to make short work of the orcs. When the dust settled and the smoke cleared, the orcs were destroyed and the two scars were barely even touched. After checking the caravan the troupe moved a bit further along the road to set up camp.

(Thats the adventure preview. i'll have more soon)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those poor orcs didn't stand a chance :(