Thursday, January 30, 2014


Volasia as a territory is massive, though Candomia and Uldrak hold more actual land than Volasia does. Volasia as a city is easily the largest city in the empire. The city rests at the edge of the Ocean, and although it originally had a Wheel Shape, it has slowly begun to take on a shape resembling a rectangle, stretching its borders across the many ports of the city. Always at the heart of the city is the Imperial Palace where the empress herself resides. Normal residents, lower nobles, adventurers, commoners and outsiders are not permitted within the halls of the palace on punishment of death. Nobles and High nobles as well as ranking officials of the other territories are allowed in so long as proper protocol is followed. Aside from the palace there is also a series of massive palaces, manses, grand estates and towers which can be found around the Imperial Palace. Many of the high nobles can be found residing in these grand structures, but also the Ruler of Volasia can also be found here, and is always a woman appointed by the Empress herself. This ruler takes care of territory issues as any of the other rulers of the main territories would, leaving the Empress to deal with matters that effect the empire as a whole. The ruler of Volasia is known as the Crown, and the Crown of Volasia rules until death, though sometimes the Empress has chosen a new Crown upon gaining her station, retiring the old crown. The complicated politics of Volasia become even more complicated with the application of two types of nobility. There is the Grand Nobility which are nobles appointed by the Empress herself, and the Territory Nobles which are given status by the Crown as any ruling body would do. Grand Nobility and Territory nobility actually have the same power, though they often clash due to the Grand Nobles believing themselves to be the highest of nobles. Grand Nobles are careful however to watch there status, and tend to the Empresses needs constantly. There are only a dozen or so lasting Grand Noble Houses, and they are extremely powerful throughout the empire. Other houses usually last within an Empresses lifetime before fading away into obscurity. Aside from its political complexity Volasia boasts an amazing Prayer District, which houses churches and establishments of the various gods. Any religion can be worshiped within volasia, and it is whispered that if you ask around enough you can find temples dedicated to some of the darker gods, those that are usually banned within a city. The Common District, Lower Districts and Shanties can be located around the Prayer District and running the length of the city, following the ports all the way up the coast. The adventurers district exists around the three main gates, and connect with the military, common and prayer districts. The trade district has always been a circular district which encases the Noble District in the center, and also connects with the more used docks. The streets of Volasia are confusing, though the city is beautiful, with man made streams and ponds running through the city. Boats can be used or rented as taxis along some of the waterways to get from one side of the city to the other, and bridges can be found all over the city. The streets themselves are heavily guarded, though with a territory as big as Volasia crime is still a part of life.

// Ok, thats a basic rundown for now. Ill have a bit more later on. //