Monday, December 29, 2008

A tale of legend

Just more stuff to keep my creative juices anchored.

The great mystics of the dragonborn tell tale of a man from before the great collapse. It is not known if he was of any recorded race, but it was known he was chosen by the gods. His only purpose was to keep a single island cloaked in the shadows of eternity. The island was supposedly a haven for dragon kind, that dragons of any color could rest there and be safe. However, the historians who have collected what they could of the times before the great collapse have noted that the dragons did not stay on the island for long. That they came and went infrequently. The historians wondered why these creatures would not choose to live out there ancient lives in peace and harmony in the safety of this haven. Dragonborn mystics believe the island was a hatching ground. That certain dragons would come to the island to lay there clutches of eggs, or perhaps bring certain eggs to the island. The oracles and mystics know there kind was created after the great collapse, and they believe there first ancestors hatched from dragon eggs that were touched by the blood of tiamat and bahamut during a great fight in the heavens. Some historians believe that the immortal was told of the impending collapse of Rimoria, and that the gods would be unable to help as destruction swallowed up the world, that a great magic, or collapse of magic would leave the gods unable to help any of there children. It is known that there was a time around the great collapse where the gods were silent, and the historians believe that there were some who knew of this, and took precautions. Some historians believe that certain eggs were hatched by dragons before the great collapse and left on the island to be watched over by the Immortal. Oracles and Historians surmise that if this was the case, then the Immortal had to have some way to transfer the knowledge of the dragons and there powers into the eggs, which were to be hatched without parents. Historians note that the Immortal was also credited for creating powerful artifacts specifically for dragons, and that it increased there powers beyond belief, to the very edges of godhood. There is know good reason why the artifacts were created simply to increase the power of already god like beings, since it created much chaos during the days before the collapse, so the historians believe the artifacts were created to absorb the memories, history, and powers of these great dragons. Since the artifacts would be coveted, only the most powerful of dragons could obtain them for long, and it is believed that when the great dragons died, there essence was absorbed into the artifacts. Once the collapse began happening, and the gods became silenced, the great immortal could have used the stored energies of these artifacts to give the combined strengths of all dragonkind into the unhatched eggs. There is little known reason why the dragonborn do not have scales similar to the great dragons of old, and the historians believe it was because it was the will of the gods that if no dragons were to survive, than the these knew dragonborn were to have no distinction between good and evil, law or chaos, and that they could choose there own paths and masters as they hatched into the world, that is why the powers and histories of all dragons, not just the ones of law and justice were harnessed. Regardless, the great immortal who shows up from time to time in the ancient texts of Rimoria disapears at this point. Though he had some hand in the end time for the dragons of old, the extent is not known. Mystics dismiss the idea of magic being involved in there creation to blasphemous, but historians argue that the man was allegedly chosen by the gods, and thus not just an agent of magic. Regardless, if the Immortals hand was involved in there creation, or as an aid to there existance, they are not exactly sure as to what motivated him to help. No known island of dragons has been discovered since, and the dragonborn were born into the wastes, not on some island. To historians and mystics alike, this is still a troublesome mystery. The day will come when they uncover the truth, but the gods are ever silent on the subject, suggesting that either even they did not see the dragonborn unveil themselves, or that there creations is just as mysterious to the gods, as it is the dragonborn themselves.

(Hope you enjoyed! =)

Monday, December 22, 2008

Kharask's Perspective

This is another character related post. (I'll be doing this often to flesh out ideas, keep the character fresh in mind, and to allow others insight into Kharask's psyche.)

This is Kharask's perspective of his fellow comrades. This is taken from his limited experience and time with them thus far.

Baerd - Kharask sees Baerd as an asset to the troupe. Its obvious the dwarf comes from a questionable path, but so far baerd has been predictable and valuable in combat. Outside of combat the dwarf becomes somewhat of a liability, and kharask knows that if Baerd does intend to stay with the troupe, it will make social interactions that much more interesting. If theres one good point about Baerd in a social setting, its that he's honest. To a fault maybe, but honesty is far easier to work with than lies and half truths. Regardless, as of this moment, Baerd has shown bravery, a quick wit in combat, and a steady head when it comes to tactics. He also notes that the dwarf doesnt mind taking orders, he thinks this is solely based on the fact that Kharask hasnt failed in a mission yet, and is quite sure the dwarfs perspective of him might change in the face of failure. One other thing of note, the dwarf seems religious, he respects the gods and there edicts. The others ignore the gods of this world, but it seems Baerd still recognizes them. (Most memorable moment - Breaking in to Vadriel's shop)

Delanor - His understanding of the Arcane impresses Kharask. The arcane arts are rare among the dragonborn, and those that wield magic in the traditional sense, are known as lore masters and mystics. He respects the dedication it takes to achieve such an art, and he respects the devestation that magic brings to the battlefield. If it were just the arcane, Kharask would have no problem, it is the wielder, Delanor, that Kharask worries about. The others haven't noticed yet, or perhaps there senses cant detectl it, but Kharask can. He see's the signs. Frustration, a manic eagerness to act, Indecisive behavior mixed in with iron resolve. Delanor has a seed of madness planted in him, its rooted deep, and it grows daily. His race has heard tale of the Silver elves before, and he wonders if it might just be the Fey Wild influencing his actions and behavior. In his gut, he feels that Delanor stands alone from something. Like the rest of the troupe, the silver elf is here for a reason. Kharask is resigned to protect the Arcanist with his life, however, should the silver elf one day turn on his allies with madness, he prays tovik helps bring a swift merciful end to Delanor's suffering. (Most memorable moment - His quick destruction of the first undead horde the troupe encountered. Also, his initial decision to not help with killing the dragon)

Erantaelik - The drow is a fierce warrior who uses a combination of magic, weapons, and stealth tactics to overcome a foe. His combat style is not the most honorable Kharask has seen, but battle on a large scale is usually far from the one on one epic fights spun at camp fires. Utilizing every option is a must among true warriors, and Kharask sees this in the drow. The drow is prideful and confident, and he seems to think that his presence should not be a concern to others. His naive understanding of the workings of the world are a frustration to the dragonborn, who has a hard time communicating with the drow. Regardless, Erantaelik has a great deal of potential. He can become an amazing asset to the troupe, or over time, become a great liability. Right now, Kharask has a good feeling, he believes through hardship and combat, Erantaelik will find a will to fight not only within the troupe, but also learn to fight with them instead of beside them. (Most memorable moment - The staring contest between him and baerd when the dwarf accused him of worshiping demons)

Azriel - Predictable. He's a simple elf with simple ways. His tactics are easy for Kharask to predict, and his attack patterns are effective. Azriel has a good understanding of the natural world, and a decent understanding and empathy of people. Should Kharask make the current troupe into an adventuring company, Azriel would more than likely take second seat. Still far from being a true friend, Azriel is simple enough not to be a threat, and trustworthy enough for Kharask to leave important matters in his hands. (Most memorable moment - Being Three for Three against Shamans)

ok, thats it for now! i'll have more later!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

2nd Adventure 3rd Session

And so the party journeyed on from the grisly sight of the dragons cave. Refreshed, the troupe headed further up the foothills and into the mountain paths. The days journey was relatively uneventful, ending with the party settling down at a defensible position on the mountains edge. At the beginning of the next day, the troupe ascended further up the mountains, traveling several hours before reaching a large ice encrusted stone bridge, it was becoming evident during there travel that the drow was not used to these conditions. Although the others did not take note, Kharask saw the familiar limp as Erantaelik struggled for breath, saw the moisture of sweat collecting around his forehead and shoulders, and heard the familiar rattle of overworked lungs. These things he kept to himself, the drows weakness would be embarassing to the warrior no doubt, but it could would open the party up to more bickering, which was already becoming troublesome to the dragonborn . Regardless, the drow made it to the peak with the troupe, a little worse for wear, but he made it none the less. The bridge was passage to there destination, the entrance to the Angath Hammerhold. A dwarven face carved into the stone face of the mountain greeted the troupe, the craftsmanship and architecture was both amazing, and sorrowful. This land was a legend, it was a history, and it was gone. Long after the dwarves made there place here, there home remained, waiting, but abandoned. Cautious as always, Kharask sent Erentaelik and Baerd across first, trusting there survivability and grit. The dragonborn, Delanor, and Azriel stayed in the rear, watchful of possible ambush. As the two warriors made there way to the center of the bridge, a small swarm of what Azriel later described as stirges, stirred from there nest under the bridge and attacked. Four of the beasts stayed on the warriors, while a fifth attacked azriel. Delanor used his magic to summon forth familiar bolts of eldritch force, killing one of them fairly quickly. Azriel handled the one attacking him with a bit of help from Kharask. Baerd handled the iced bridge quite easily, taking the fight to the beasts as they swarmed around him. The drow, erantaelik, had a difficult time with the wind and ice, his unfamiliarity with the outside elements becoming a weakness in the battle. As he fought to gain his bearings, and the battle raged around the troupe, a powerful spider crawled from its hiding spot near the bridge, sensing an easy meal, it lept nearly the length of the bridge to land upon Azriel, intent on getting a quick meal. Kharask moved in quickly, using his shoulders to put all of his strength into a thrust, he struck the spider in its center, the magic of his hammer sparked through his hands at his command, and a blast of force and sound knocked the spider off of his comrade, and sent the beast to a falling to its death. There victory followed a moment later, as the last stirge exploded under the onslaught of Baerd. The troupe got its bearings and rested a moment before moving in. The hammerhold was impressive, the flagstones still in place, the brickwork still mostly unblemished. Right as the troupe entered however, they were put to testing there prowess yet again as a group of the Greenscale kobolds led by a kobold shaman was stationed at the end of the entrance hall. The troupe took to there fight with haste, Drow magic was eclipsed by the power of eladrin magic, as Delanor set a great blast of force against one of the warriors which tore into his nearby companions as well. The silver elf followed his assault with a conjured blast of fire, and his trademark bolts of force. Azriel took to his swords, and began harassing the kobold warriors with small but vicious wounds, and baerd in his usual manner, charged forward into the fray. The kobolds were prepared however, and there sentinels set up a defense to protect there shaman and a sniper in there flanks. Seeing there defensive posture, Kharask charged into the center of it, taking damage from there attacks, but ruining there stance so that his allies could attack without retribution. The great dragonborn then was pushed back by there assault, and used his own draconic power to retaliate, exhaling a great roar of fire over the kobolds. The rest of the battle was handled efficiently, baerd cleaved his way behind them, Dalanor weakened there resolve, and the rest of the trouped fought between there ranks until at last there leader was killed on the twin swords of Azriel. After that, the troupe continued furthere into the hammerhold..

ok, thats that. I'll have another character related post soon!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Turning Away

-Another Character Post- This one updates a bit of Kharask's background, and gives some insight into his motivations.

Kharask turned away from bahamut that day. The day that she passed out of sight. The tribe of the night sky (or whatever other evil tribe or clan name you want for the bad dragon born) had felled his one true comrade, but it was Kharask himself that had killed her. He had let down the one person in his life he had wanted to protect. Even with her forgiveness, even with her wish for strength, he could not forgive himself, or find the strength to go on as he was. She could have done so. She was strong. But he was not, and he understood that now, her words. Too ashamed to face his future, he turned himself away from Bahamut. Bahamut was king of the good, Lord of all law, the strength and honor of the Dragonborn. Kharask could not be these things in his future. He was trained to be these things, and perhaps he could pretend for a while to be these things. But it would be a dishonor to her. He had to be honest, he had to walk the only path he knew could set things right. He had done too much wrong to his own personal honor to ever face bahamut, even though the dragon lord may forgive him. He could not in good conscience face him. So he turned away that day. He said his farewell to his clan, small as it was now with the hordes of tiamat attacking so often, he knew it would disband soon, or be absorbed by one of the evil hordes nearby, or perhaps find a stronger clan to merge with. That morning as he walked away, he vowed that he would return, he vowed not to bahamut, but to Tovik, the god of war and battles. He made a pact with Tovik that day, that every creature he killed in honorable battle he would dedicate to the god. He asked only to be challenged, only to be tempered in battle and war. He asked only that he be given the chance to one day return to his land, to one day be able to face the hordelings of the Dragon Queen, and to lay waste to them. To scatter every tribe, to kill every member, to burn every one of there settlements to the ground until there was nothing left. He knows that in the end, this path will lead him further away from bahamut, he knows that in the end, on the day when he is victorious, when he has crushed the last skull beneath his heel, he knows that on this day his people will turn there heads away from him. He will be a monster in there eyes. He knows this, but there freedom is more important to them then there love. He hopes that such a sacrifice will be noble enough for her, and noble enough for bahamut.
(Note, I took some elements of Grey wolfs background and sprinkled them in there. I like the idea of wanting total destruction of ones enemies without remorse, while becoming a symbol of fear to them. The concept is similar, but I added some elements to help him maintain his alignment. Good will always be there, he is a good being. He wants to see people do well, he hates to see creatures suffer, and strives to set good examples for others to follow. Law will be trickier to maintain, though i can see him doing it. He is incredibly honorable, and wants his victories to be seen in an honorable light. he also respects the elements of order and place in the world. So i dont see that changing much either. Anyways, thats just some extra flavor for mr. Kharask.)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Updated stuff

Well, i fixed my computer. kind of.. I actually took the thing apart, not even kidding, and fiddled around with some stuff inside. I dont really even know what i did.. but it works now. and thats cool. I mean.. till it doesnt work again. could be soon. ANYWAYS. to all my gaming friends reading this, i am sorry about missing the game wed. =(. I was pretty sick. Mostly it was tuesday, but i didnt really get up and moving much until wed around midnight. Guess it was the flu. >< . I wanted to game freaking bad too. I was gonna try and just go with it, cause i was up 4 pm for a little bit, but it didnt last. I guess I could have played out some of Kharask's sickness with the green dragons poison.. I could have used real life props, made from me! Anyways, i am sorry bout that, but i look forward to gaming again this next wed! Also chris, i dont think would have forgiven myself if your little one would have gotten her first flu from me. Ok, i'll have another post after the next gaming session. Maybe even sooner! unless my puter breaks.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

2nd Adventure 2nd Session

Well, after the group rested up, they continued onward towards the mountains. There trip was going relatively smooth, late in the third day however the troupe encountered a pack of wild boar. The encounter was handled swiftly. The beasts attacked with vigor and ferocity, but it was easily overcame. Baerd met there ferocity with his own, mingled with regret, hatred, and suicidal determination. Erantaelik took to a second one leaving baerd to handle one of his own. The dark elf used magic and sword as well as dark gifts to keep the beast mired down and focused on himself. When a third one joined the fray, Azriel used arrows and a keen understanding of the beasts to keep it pinned and confused. Dalanar as always, remained safely tucked away under the watchful eye of Kharask. The wizard used his superior understanding of the weave of magic to launch powerful blasts of force against his foes, weakening them even further. Kharask did his assigned task, bolstering his allies with words of encouragement, and using snap commands to move and manipulate the battlefield. The battle ended quickly, and Azriel took some time to carve up some fresh meat for the troupe.
Later in the day, as night drew increasingly closer, the troupe met up with a wandering trader and his daughter. It seemed there ox was in some kind of duress. Moving in to help, Azriel quickly took to calming the beast. The drow and the dwarf stayed back for the most part, and Kharask and Dalanar set to looking at the tradesman's goods. The encounter was a refreshing get away from the battle and blood of the field. The encounter was also insightful. With increasing evidence, the troupe is noticing that Erentaelik does not belong above ground. Kharask tried to chastise the drow, but was relatively unsuccessful due to his own harsh words, and the pride and arrogance of his drow ally. Regardless, the troupe set out once again.
Early the next day, the group saw a green dragon flying above them. The powerful beast headed east of them. Kharask made a snap decision to kill the thing. Not only did he feel it would put an end to increasing Kobold activity in the area, wandering tradesmen would be far safer with the beast destroyed. His allies were not enthusiastic about it. Azriel conceded for the greater good, and to ensure that the friends they had just made would not end up a meal to the beast. Dalanar was set against it. Taking the eladrin for a coward, Kharask dismissed him, stating that he could wait behind until the group killed the beast. After being informed that he would not be privy to any of the beasts treasure or spoils, he changed his mind, but only reluctantly. The drow seemed more put out that he wasnt asked properly, again showing the arrogance and pride of both himself, and the dragonborn. Finally the troupe set to finding the dragon, moving down to its lair, luring it out, and attacking it ruthlessly.
The battle was hard fought. Everyone did there part, fighting with everything they had. Dalanar assaulted in with conjured spikes of force, and set a powerfull explosion upon it that nearly took its wing off, later on in the fight, as the battle came towards its conclussion, he suprised the draconic beast yet again by conjuring a near sentient ball of fire wich he set to attacking the dragon. Erantaelik attacked the beast with equal ferocity, using magical wards to protect his allies, he also harried the beast with magic of his own. Lightning, flames and waves of sheer force leaped and danced from his blade as he continued his assault. Kharask, although not as effective as some, did his part well. Seeing dalanar getting assaulted by the dragon, he charged it without thought, breaking its attention and allowing the eladrin to recuperate slightly, he then used the confusion to get underfoot of the beast, swinging wildly until the creature was entirely repositioned and the eladrin was safe. Baerd was the main damage of the attack, he set upon it with everything he had. His axe carved great gashes into the beast, he severed one of its claws and nearly tore the things head off on several occasions. In the end, it was an arrow but the ever resourceful azriel that brought the beast down. Staying ever on the edge of his bows range, he had been striking the beast with arrow after arrow, looking for an opening to finish the creature. When the time came, and arrow in the dragons eye felled it. The troupe then took there time, taking trophies from the dragon, and hunting down its treasure horde. Revitalized by there victory, but exhausted by the battle, the troupe decided to rest at the dragons lair for the evening.

and thats all till next session.