Monday, December 22, 2008

Kharask's Perspective

This is another character related post. (I'll be doing this often to flesh out ideas, keep the character fresh in mind, and to allow others insight into Kharask's psyche.)

This is Kharask's perspective of his fellow comrades. This is taken from his limited experience and time with them thus far.

Baerd - Kharask sees Baerd as an asset to the troupe. Its obvious the dwarf comes from a questionable path, but so far baerd has been predictable and valuable in combat. Outside of combat the dwarf becomes somewhat of a liability, and kharask knows that if Baerd does intend to stay with the troupe, it will make social interactions that much more interesting. If theres one good point about Baerd in a social setting, its that he's honest. To a fault maybe, but honesty is far easier to work with than lies and half truths. Regardless, as of this moment, Baerd has shown bravery, a quick wit in combat, and a steady head when it comes to tactics. He also notes that the dwarf doesnt mind taking orders, he thinks this is solely based on the fact that Kharask hasnt failed in a mission yet, and is quite sure the dwarfs perspective of him might change in the face of failure. One other thing of note, the dwarf seems religious, he respects the gods and there edicts. The others ignore the gods of this world, but it seems Baerd still recognizes them. (Most memorable moment - Breaking in to Vadriel's shop)

Delanor - His understanding of the Arcane impresses Kharask. The arcane arts are rare among the dragonborn, and those that wield magic in the traditional sense, are known as lore masters and mystics. He respects the dedication it takes to achieve such an art, and he respects the devestation that magic brings to the battlefield. If it were just the arcane, Kharask would have no problem, it is the wielder, Delanor, that Kharask worries about. The others haven't noticed yet, or perhaps there senses cant detectl it, but Kharask can. He see's the signs. Frustration, a manic eagerness to act, Indecisive behavior mixed in with iron resolve. Delanor has a seed of madness planted in him, its rooted deep, and it grows daily. His race has heard tale of the Silver elves before, and he wonders if it might just be the Fey Wild influencing his actions and behavior. In his gut, he feels that Delanor stands alone from something. Like the rest of the troupe, the silver elf is here for a reason. Kharask is resigned to protect the Arcanist with his life, however, should the silver elf one day turn on his allies with madness, he prays tovik helps bring a swift merciful end to Delanor's suffering. (Most memorable moment - His quick destruction of the first undead horde the troupe encountered. Also, his initial decision to not help with killing the dragon)

Erantaelik - The drow is a fierce warrior who uses a combination of magic, weapons, and stealth tactics to overcome a foe. His combat style is not the most honorable Kharask has seen, but battle on a large scale is usually far from the one on one epic fights spun at camp fires. Utilizing every option is a must among true warriors, and Kharask sees this in the drow. The drow is prideful and confident, and he seems to think that his presence should not be a concern to others. His naive understanding of the workings of the world are a frustration to the dragonborn, who has a hard time communicating with the drow. Regardless, Erantaelik has a great deal of potential. He can become an amazing asset to the troupe, or over time, become a great liability. Right now, Kharask has a good feeling, he believes through hardship and combat, Erantaelik will find a will to fight not only within the troupe, but also learn to fight with them instead of beside them. (Most memorable moment - The staring contest between him and baerd when the dwarf accused him of worshiping demons)

Azriel - Predictable. He's a simple elf with simple ways. His tactics are easy for Kharask to predict, and his attack patterns are effective. Azriel has a good understanding of the natural world, and a decent understanding and empathy of people. Should Kharask make the current troupe into an adventuring company, Azriel would more than likely take second seat. Still far from being a true friend, Azriel is simple enough not to be a threat, and trustworthy enough for Kharask to leave important matters in his hands. (Most memorable moment - Being Three for Three against Shamans)

ok, thats it for now! i'll have more later!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow. very nice. Now Kharask will have a Halfling Rogue to keep an eye on. ha