Thursday, January 31, 2013

Heart of Fayn - Awakened-

The heart of fayn at first was considered a device used to turn sin into power, while allowing the bearer of the artifact to go about showing a sins innate strength. As an awakened device, the Heart of Fayn is attuned to the god of murder himself, and now seeks out to corrupt all with the seven sins of morality. The Heart of Fayn wishes to perpetuate and spread the sins created by fayn, and uses its mortal vessel to do just that. The heart of fayn has an Intelligence of 9 / Wits of 8 / and Resolve of 4 / Heart of Fayn has a Willpower of 8 / The heart of fayn will use its powers to corrupt others into turning into there sins. Its host, already corrupted by the power of sin, is only a puppet vessel at this point, riding high on the amazing power offered by the heart. Unfortunately, as an awakened artifact, very few vessels can ever attune the heart of fayn, for as soon as they do there physical bodies burn away, and there minds are destroyed by the power of fayn himself. Crafty as always, the Awakened heart of fayn has created a means to belay this effect. Regardless, Vessels bound to the artifact can only look forward to a life of a year or two, before there souls and conscience are consumed by the heart itself, leaving only an empty burnt out husk. The vessel of the heart of fayn must posess a mantle, or similar spirtual spark to allow the heart to be attuned, otherwise the physical vessel burns away in a matter of seconds. Characters posessing the heart of fayn must be evil, usually CE and  NE, though any evil character can attempt to attune the heart. In the end, the Heart will use each vessel to spread as much sin and corruption as possible before its vessel burns out.

As the vessel to the Heart of Fayn, Kaliora maintains all of her former abilities and powers associated with all of her advantages. Kaliora is a suitable vessel for the Heart of Fayn, though her soul will undoubtedly burn out within a year or two. Kaliora maintains all abilities and powers gained by the Heart as well, though those after her will no longer suffer the monstrous transformation that she had to endure, as that aspect of the Heart is no longer needed.

Kaliora -
Kaliora maintains her mantles, abilities, powers, and all advantages previously gained. Kaliora maintains all powers associated with the heart of fayn.

1 - Kaliora has all sins of the Heart open at all times. She manifests each sin each day, and has access to all there powers and limitations.

2 - Kaliora's supernatural presence can no longer be detected. Her god mantle, faynish powers, alignment, and thoughs, are all hidden by the power of the faynish heart.

Heart of Fayn's powers - The heart of fayn has a number of powers it can use as it see's fit. Each power costs one point of willpower for it to use. The heart of fayn can only spend one willpower per turn. The heart of fayn gains a point of willpower when a per scene or session ability is used, and refreshes it all at the beginning of the day.

1- Target within 10 yards must make a composure roll or attack the nearest creature.
2 -Target within 10 yards must make a resolve roll or attempt steal or swindle someone this scene.
3 -Target within 10 yards must make a composure roll or attempt to seduce or sate its lust with another creature during the scene.
4 - Target within 10 yards must make a resolve roll or attempt to succeed or win at the first task or success that comes up this scene. Non combat skill rolls will need five successes for the target to be sated.
5 - Target within 10 yards must make a resolve roll or begin to covet a person or item a person has, and must spend the scene trying whatever means necessary to obtain the item or person.
6 - Target within 10 yards must make a composure roll or it spends the scene doing nothing, it will not roll skill rolls, even reflexive, it just relaxes, and ignores all around it. This does not work, and is broken, in combat scenarios.
7 - Target within 10 yards must make a resolve roll or it spends the scene doing nothing but consuming something, or doing nothing but pursuing the consumption of something.
8 - can attempt to take the vessel over for a scene, this is a contested willpower roll, with the one gaining the most successes becoming dominant. Can only be attempted once per scene.


Drawbacks - The heart of fayn corrupts its vessel completely, and the character can take no action unless it is justified by one of the hearts sins. Thus, a character wishing to attack could do so if it was for anger, pride, greed or the like, but not because it was the right thing to do at the time. A character needing to do something can instead give itself over to the heart willingly to artifact, as it can perform any actions it so desires. Mundane actions do not apply as true actions, such as picking up a spoon, talking to someone etc. An action as defined here involves a skill roll, the application of an advantage, or some task with a specific non-mundane goal. This severely limits what a character can do, and causes it to rely more on the artifact itself, which slowly consumes its psyche over time. Evil chracters tend to be able to justify evil things with sin fairly easy, so most vessels are only barred from doing tasks outside of perpetuating evil, which is what the heart wants.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Heart Seeker - Awakened -

The heart seeker in its awakened state is a terrible and powerful tool dedicated to the murder of all living, sentient creatures. Heart Seeker has an insatiable lust for death and the act of ending a life. Heart Seeker enjoys a challenge, but will take pleasure in any murder it commits. Heart Seeker is sentient. Heart Seeker has the following stats. Intelligence 6 / Wits 7 / Resolve 4 / and 7 points of willpower - Heart Seeker can speak to anyone touching the blade, though this has repercussions. As an awakened artifact Heart Seeker is the dominant force, for its power is more in tuned with the gods. No mortal creature touching the blade can survive more than a turn, as attuning the blade to such a creature causes its flesh to rupture and burn as the soul and mind of the creature are simultaneously destroyed. Only a creature possessing a divine blessing, or immortal soul, such as a god mantle or similar ability, could attempt to attune the blade. Becoming perfectly attuned to the blade is unheard of, for the characters soul and make up would have to lie directly in line with the wishes of Heart Seeker, and even the most vile and despicable of mortals could not seek a life of only constant murdering. At best one or two individuals of an age could wield the dagger in perfect attunement, at least for a short time, before its soul burnt out. A character possessing a mantle, and an extremely wicked heart (CE or NE) can attempt to attune the blade, and the comparability of the two are up to the GM. Characters who meld with the blade have there Mantles also tied into the blade, though when the bearer of the mantle dies the mantle is not destroyed, and becomes separate once again.

Heart Seeker as it is now is the blade of murder, and as such, wishes to become an instrument of Fayn so as to maintain its power and influence, and to protect itself from the enemies of its creation. Kerrivas, the mortal vessel binding the blade is an acceptable medium, though his body and soul will burn out within a year or two due to the residual corrupting influence of skiskish energies. Crescea wishes to see any bearer of the blade, as well as the blade itself destroyed, and her followers will recognize and target the bearer of this blade.

Kerrivas and Heart Seeker -
Kerrivas maintains his mantle and all abilities and weaknesses.

Powers and Abilities useable by kerrivas -
1 - 3 successes scored on a weaponry attack with the blade kills any living opponent as the blade pierces the targets vitals. The successes must be scored on a die roll, and automatic successes do not apply to this ability.

2- Heart seeker denies its opponent any defense or damage reduction. Nothing stops the blade from its target.

3- Heart Seeker allows its wielder to make two melee attacks on the same target every turn.

4 - Killing a living sentient creature with heart seeker regenerates all health boxes to the blades wielder.

5 - Bearers of Heart Seeker always go first in a turn unless another character has a similar power, then there initiative is rolled to break the tie.

HATRED - Heart Seeker begins every day with a hatred rating of 10. A point of Hatred is refreshed any time the blade kills a sentient, living opponent. The maximum Hatred trait is a 10.
1 - 1 point can add 2 levels of damage to an attack. Multiple points can be spent.
2 - 1 point can heal a level of damage or refresh a point of willpower. This can be done reflexively.
3 - 1 point can increase the blades attack dice by +3 for a scene. This can only be applied once, and does not stack with itself or similar abilities.
4 - 3 points of hatred can be spent to increase the blades attack roll bonus by +6 for the scene. This is added to the blades normal +1 bonus. This bonus can only be applied once, and does not stack with itself, or similar bonuses utilizing the Hatred Trait.
5 - 3 points of hatred can be spent to add a -5 dice penalty on an attacked opponents roll for the scene. The blade must damage an opponent to apply this penalty.
6 - 3 points of hatred can be spent to add a vile venom to the blade, doing 5 points of poison damage every turn for 5 turns and imposing a -2 pain penalty to the targets dice rolls as well. This trait is applied to the blade for a scene.
7 -5 points of hatred can be spent to ensure the death of an opponent. The opponent is dead, it can never again rise, and this bests versions of reincarnation, regeneration, and immortality. This trait is applied to the blade for the scene.

Heart Seekers Powers -
As a sentient blade Heart Seeker can take an action on its turn by expending a willpower point. Heart Seeker must be in the hands of an attuned vessel to use the following abilities. Heart Seeker refreshes one willpower back per day, and regains one every time it is used to kill a living, sentient creature.
1 - Target within 10 yards must make a roll on a stamina check or die. The creature must be a sentient living creature.
2 - Heart Seeker makes the vessel move and attack, this is in addition of the vessels normal attacks, and is declared and rolled afterwards.
3 - Heart seeker can parry an incoming weaponry attack.
4 - Heart Seeker can also spend a willpower and roll its willpower to try and take over the vessel, this is a contested willpower roll. If Heart Seeker gets more successes it becomes dominant for the scene. 

Heart Seeker is powerful enough to permanently kill named ones with damage alone. Heart Seeker is one of only a handful of weapons that can do this. The 5 point hatred ability must be used for this to take effect.

Heart Seeker is powerful, but completely corrupts the morals of any creature brave enough to be attuned to it.
The vessel holding Heart Seeker has a Composure score of 0 and automatically fails such rolls.
The vessel holding Heart Seeker has a penalty to all viable social rolls equal to its hatred rating.
Failing to kill a sentient creature in the course of a day causes the vessels willpower to be at 1 for the day. This is the characters rating and value until he kills a sentient living creature. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Heart Seeker

Heart Seeker is a black, double edged short dagger. There is no curve to the small sharp blade, and the hilt has a half moon guard made of blackened steel. The hilt itself is a simple metal host with a dark leather grip. Heart Seeker, like all small blades, adds +1 to attack dice pools when used with the weaponry skill.

Purpose - Heart Seeker has a simple minded determination. It seeks to kill all sentient life, and harvests an insatiable hatred towards the living. Heart Seeker will always choose opponents who are unsuspecting over those ready, though in the end it longs for the murder itself.

Power - All powers and abilities of this dagger work only on sentient, living creatures with a discernable anatomy.

1 - If a character rolls 5 successes on a weaponry attack roll with this blade, the blade strikes true, finding the creatures vitals and killing it instantly. Automatic successes do not count towards the number of successes needed on the dice roll. The dice roll itself must yield this number.

2 - Heart Seeker absorbs the essence of those murdered. Any time Heart Seeker kills an opponent by denying him his defense, Heart Seeker gains a point of Hatred. This is a special trait unique to this blade.

3 - Heart Seeker will not be denied its target. Ignore armor applied to an opponent, and damage reduction is treated as one less in regards to this weapons attack rolls.

HATRED - Hatred slowly builds in the blade as it is used to murder people. Hatred can be spent on a point for point basis to gain the following benefits. The blades Hatred trait can never exceed 10.

1 point of hatred can be spent to add 2 levels of damage to a successful attack.Multiple points can be spent when an attack roll is made.

1 point of hatred can be spent to replenish a point of willpower, or health. This can be done reflexively, as willpower or health is lost.

1 point of hatred can be spent to increase the blades attack roll bonus by +3 for the scene. This is added to the blades normal +1 bonus. This bonus can only be applied once, and does not stack with itself, or similar bonuses utilizing the Hatred Trait.

3 points of hatred can be spent to increase the blades attack roll bonus by +6 for the scene. This is added to the blades normal +1 bonus. This bonus can only be applied once, and does not stack with itself, or similar bonuses utilizing the Hatred Trait.

3 points of hatred can be spent to add a -5 dice penalty on an attacked opponents roll for the scene.

5 points of hatred can be spent to add a vile venom to the blade, doing 5 points of poison damage every turn for 5 turns and imposing a -2 pain penalty to the targets dice rolls as well. This trait is applied to the blade for a scene.

10 points of hatred can be spent to ensure the death of an opponent. The opponent is dead, it can never again rise, and this bests versions of reincarnation, regeneration, and immortality. This trait is applied to the blade for the scene.


Draw Backs -
Anyone attuning the blade reduces there composure score by 1 point. Due to the Daggers Seething hatred all social dice pools are also further penalized by 1 point, though this penalty is -3 if the Hatred trait is 5 to 9, and -5 if the Hatred trait is 10.

Anytime the character fails a social roll he must kill a sentient creature within the next 24 hours or suffer a -1 to all dice rolls until the dagger is sated. This effect is cumulative if it happens again, though the bonuses dissipate once someone has been murdered with the dagger.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Notes on Gauthic's History

Major Points -

1 - he was a bad ass assassin. Killed a great wyrm blue dragon, was one of the youngest attendants ever appointed to the queen. By the age of 20 he was one of the premiere assassins of his time.
2 - Slept with the queen. The other attendants tried to kill him, he killed 8 of them before the 9th one, his best friend, killed him. Was resurrected by the queen and transported to Alborine. Koull, his half oceanic dragon friend who had killed him, was executed for failing to protect the queens integrity. His death was staged and he too was sent to Alborine to aid gauthic.
3 - The two companions wiped out the lead assassins of the crimson rose, and made plays for power within the organization. They were trying to take it over for themselves, and create a power base to aid in the queens ultimate goal.
4 - The queens ultimate goal was to start a war that would bring the gods down to the continent in there avatar form. The queen believes the citizens take the empire, the gods, and there safety for granted, and wanted to show them the true powers present on the prime material planes, and within the heavens.
5 - Gauthic and Koull could never defeat the high priest, and eventually were lead into a trap and killed by him and his minions. The queen resurrected Gauthic yet again, and gave him a portion of her power, Gauthic in turn resurrected Koull and gave his friend half of his acquired power. The two have made various attempts, but attacking one usually summons the others, and even when killed they tend to resurrect somehow. Gauthic believes indeera is the key to killing him, for its said that the gifts of fayn wont work on her.
6 - Gauthic and Koull have been manipulating events in the background, trying to create a means to usurp the high priest, and put indeera in place, who will in turn fulfill the queens wishes.

Bad Guys -
The High Priest -
Lord Karzzeth - Ancient vampire lord from raven spire.
Black Wind - Keeper of Sorrows - Ancient Black Dragon Dracolich
Sir Udraeus - Death Knight from Candomia - has a host of 6 shadow squires that follow him.
 Mezzverahn - Powerful Mind Flayer sorcerer. Has powerful magics, and powerful mental prowess as well.

Pink Rose - A new comer to the council, she owes everything to the High Priest. Gauthic knows little of her powers, but believes her to be an arcanist of some sort, though its possible she was a former assassin too. Looking into her background was impossible, as all loose ends were killed.

White Rose - Might be a good guy, might be a bad guy. Gauthic thinks its a woman, but the White Rose dresses in heavy, concealing clothes. So far the White Rose is interested in putting Indeera in charge to stabilize and create growth within the crimson rose.

There is more than one way...

Ella woke up with a lazy yawn and carefully got up. There was no light in the room, as Indeera liked the room to be as pitch when she slept. Ella peered over at her lover, her movements light and quiet. Indeera's breathing was regular, her chest moving in a slow, heavy rhythm. Ella placed a kiss softly on her lovers forehead, detecting the scent of blood as she always did when she was in close proximity to Indeera. Quietly she hopped off the bed and moved over towards there chest of drawers, the darkness never impeded her, and she always moved without making much noise. Carefully she gathered the things she thought she would need. Regardless of her precaution she heard a voice from atop the bed, the cold, to the point voice of her lover. "Where are you going." Ella smiled in the darkness and began putting on the clothes she had selected, then starting putting on her jewelry, she answered a few moments later. "Im going to do that thing thats going to get me killed." There was silence in the room, and then she heard Indeera's voice again. "You're still mad about my decision." It was hard to tell if the comment was a statement or a question, but Ella returned an answer regardless. "Indeera, oh blood crazed love of my life, i am simply stating the facts of this horrible situation. Kaliora isnt the same person she was, and she's going to kill me for this." There was no response from indeera for a few moments. "Perhaps, but those resources will be important. Its an unfortunate risk, for you still have an incredible part to play in all of this, but it is a calculated risk. Kaliora is a representation of fayn now, she's become far more important, but her skill set has changed drastically, therefore I need you to do this. Its that simple." Ella sighed heavily and touched a sphere in the corner of the room which began to glow softly. "Kerrivas can get resources, I dont know why I have to stick my neck out like this, I have a lovely neck, Im fond of my behind too, even when it has a tail its still pretty shapely." There was some movement from the bed, then silence. Indeera spoke a moment later. "Kerrivas is busy dealing with his mission from fayn, I cannot take him from that task, and we will need resources, both mundane and magical to attain what we want, should the first part of our game have a winning outcome." Ella listened and nodded, already knowing what her lover was going to say. "Right, everyone has some holy mission except me. I'm stuck doing all the dirty work, all the things that could get a nice pretty girl like me killed. The fact that they dont even like me makes doing all this even more disturbing. Really, the whole things disturbing. But the most disturbing thing, is the part about me pissing off the monster we're keeping in the basement." Indeera set up slowly as ella talked, stretching her arms out before reaching for a small chalice near the bed. "I've seen your reward ella, it is the one that i had initially intended for Kaliora. It is something beyond measure, something far more than what you could expect. Believe me, your reward, as great as it is now, will be far more vast than you could ever imagine." Ella's eyes sparkled at the mention of her reward and she smiled, then sighed happily. "I know I know.. I just love hearing you tell me about it, though I wish you would tell me for sure what im going to be getting, I mean, assuming I live through all of these fun times." Indeera set the chalice of blood down after taking a few drinks and got out of bed slowly. She looked over at her lover and moved near her, getting some garments for the day.  "I wont betray you Ella, you are my chosen, and I am bound by that decision. Even though you may not have been my first choice, you have proven to be far more talented than I could ever have hoped. We will see this through together, and if Kaliora does kill you, I shall see that you are brought back to me. You must see what I see my dear ella, what is in store for us is simply beyond description, so I dare not try." Ella looked at her lover as she spoke, then smiled and nodded. "Fine Fine Fine, I get it. I go be a good girl and I get a treat. Dont worry, the plans already in motion, and things are moving along fine. I just like being difficult I suppose." Ella looked at the mirror and slowly shifted her form to something more suitable. She spoke to Indeera again, her new voice a slightly different tone and dialect. "Alright, Im off, I doubt ill be back for a few days, but Ill be sure to bring good news." Indeera looked at ella as her lover spoke, then nodded. "Bring glory to us Ella. This isnt a choice. Its a command." Ella nodded and moved towards the door, opening it and looking back. She smiled pleasantly to Indeera. "I know, I know. Failure isnt an option, not that most people would choose failure if it were an option. Worry not oh dashing leader, Im too perfect to make a mistake. You have bigger things on your agenda, so its you who should be careful. Id lose all these lovely presents, clothes and this amazing house if anything happened to you." She quirked a smile as Indeera adressed her coldly. "Go." Ella laughed and dashed out the door, shutting it behind her. She stood in front of the two statues of fayn in the next room and prayed solemnly for a moment. She finished her prayers and looked back to her lovers room, her gaze steady and even, a sparkle in her otherwise midnight eyes. With a small flourish she turned and moved out of the temple room, and towards her days goal.