Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Heart Seeker - Awakened -

The heart seeker in its awakened state is a terrible and powerful tool dedicated to the murder of all living, sentient creatures. Heart Seeker has an insatiable lust for death and the act of ending a life. Heart Seeker enjoys a challenge, but will take pleasure in any murder it commits. Heart Seeker is sentient. Heart Seeker has the following stats. Intelligence 6 / Wits 7 / Resolve 4 / and 7 points of willpower - Heart Seeker can speak to anyone touching the blade, though this has repercussions. As an awakened artifact Heart Seeker is the dominant force, for its power is more in tuned with the gods. No mortal creature touching the blade can survive more than a turn, as attuning the blade to such a creature causes its flesh to rupture and burn as the soul and mind of the creature are simultaneously destroyed. Only a creature possessing a divine blessing, or immortal soul, such as a god mantle or similar ability, could attempt to attune the blade. Becoming perfectly attuned to the blade is unheard of, for the characters soul and make up would have to lie directly in line with the wishes of Heart Seeker, and even the most vile and despicable of mortals could not seek a life of only constant murdering. At best one or two individuals of an age could wield the dagger in perfect attunement, at least for a short time, before its soul burnt out. A character possessing a mantle, and an extremely wicked heart (CE or NE) can attempt to attune the blade, and the comparability of the two are up to the GM. Characters who meld with the blade have there Mantles also tied into the blade, though when the bearer of the mantle dies the mantle is not destroyed, and becomes separate once again.

Heart Seeker as it is now is the blade of murder, and as such, wishes to become an instrument of Fayn so as to maintain its power and influence, and to protect itself from the enemies of its creation. Kerrivas, the mortal vessel binding the blade is an acceptable medium, though his body and soul will burn out within a year or two due to the residual corrupting influence of skiskish energies. Crescea wishes to see any bearer of the blade, as well as the blade itself destroyed, and her followers will recognize and target the bearer of this blade.

Kerrivas and Heart Seeker -
Kerrivas maintains his mantle and all abilities and weaknesses.

Powers and Abilities useable by kerrivas -
1 - 3 successes scored on a weaponry attack with the blade kills any living opponent as the blade pierces the targets vitals. The successes must be scored on a die roll, and automatic successes do not apply to this ability.

2- Heart seeker denies its opponent any defense or damage reduction. Nothing stops the blade from its target.

3- Heart Seeker allows its wielder to make two melee attacks on the same target every turn.

4 - Killing a living sentient creature with heart seeker regenerates all health boxes to the blades wielder.

5 - Bearers of Heart Seeker always go first in a turn unless another character has a similar power, then there initiative is rolled to break the tie.

HATRED - Heart Seeker begins every day with a hatred rating of 10. A point of Hatred is refreshed any time the blade kills a sentient, living opponent. The maximum Hatred trait is a 10.
1 - 1 point can add 2 levels of damage to an attack. Multiple points can be spent.
2 - 1 point can heal a level of damage or refresh a point of willpower. This can be done reflexively.
3 - 1 point can increase the blades attack dice by +3 for a scene. This can only be applied once, and does not stack with itself or similar abilities.
4 - 3 points of hatred can be spent to increase the blades attack roll bonus by +6 for the scene. This is added to the blades normal +1 bonus. This bonus can only be applied once, and does not stack with itself, or similar bonuses utilizing the Hatred Trait.
5 - 3 points of hatred can be spent to add a -5 dice penalty on an attacked opponents roll for the scene. The blade must damage an opponent to apply this penalty.
6 - 3 points of hatred can be spent to add a vile venom to the blade, doing 5 points of poison damage every turn for 5 turns and imposing a -2 pain penalty to the targets dice rolls as well. This trait is applied to the blade for a scene.
7 -5 points of hatred can be spent to ensure the death of an opponent. The opponent is dead, it can never again rise, and this bests versions of reincarnation, regeneration, and immortality. This trait is applied to the blade for the scene.

Heart Seekers Powers -
As a sentient blade Heart Seeker can take an action on its turn by expending a willpower point. Heart Seeker must be in the hands of an attuned vessel to use the following abilities. Heart Seeker refreshes one willpower back per day, and regains one every time it is used to kill a living, sentient creature.
1 - Target within 10 yards must make a roll on a stamina check or die. The creature must be a sentient living creature.
2 - Heart Seeker makes the vessel move and attack, this is in addition of the vessels normal attacks, and is declared and rolled afterwards.
3 - Heart seeker can parry an incoming weaponry attack.
4 - Heart Seeker can also spend a willpower and roll its willpower to try and take over the vessel, this is a contested willpower roll. If Heart Seeker gets more successes it becomes dominant for the scene. 

Heart Seeker is powerful enough to permanently kill named ones with damage alone. Heart Seeker is one of only a handful of weapons that can do this. The 5 point hatred ability must be used for this to take effect.

Heart Seeker is powerful, but completely corrupts the morals of any creature brave enough to be attuned to it.
The vessel holding Heart Seeker has a Composure score of 0 and automatically fails such rolls.
The vessel holding Heart Seeker has a penalty to all viable social rolls equal to its hatred rating.
Failing to kill a sentient creature in the course of a day causes the vessels willpower to be at 1 for the day. This is the characters rating and value until he kills a sentient living creature. 

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