Thursday, December 18, 2008

2nd Adventure 3rd Session

And so the party journeyed on from the grisly sight of the dragons cave. Refreshed, the troupe headed further up the foothills and into the mountain paths. The days journey was relatively uneventful, ending with the party settling down at a defensible position on the mountains edge. At the beginning of the next day, the troupe ascended further up the mountains, traveling several hours before reaching a large ice encrusted stone bridge, it was becoming evident during there travel that the drow was not used to these conditions. Although the others did not take note, Kharask saw the familiar limp as Erantaelik struggled for breath, saw the moisture of sweat collecting around his forehead and shoulders, and heard the familiar rattle of overworked lungs. These things he kept to himself, the drows weakness would be embarassing to the warrior no doubt, but it could would open the party up to more bickering, which was already becoming troublesome to the dragonborn . Regardless, the drow made it to the peak with the troupe, a little worse for wear, but he made it none the less. The bridge was passage to there destination, the entrance to the Angath Hammerhold. A dwarven face carved into the stone face of the mountain greeted the troupe, the craftsmanship and architecture was both amazing, and sorrowful. This land was a legend, it was a history, and it was gone. Long after the dwarves made there place here, there home remained, waiting, but abandoned. Cautious as always, Kharask sent Erentaelik and Baerd across first, trusting there survivability and grit. The dragonborn, Delanor, and Azriel stayed in the rear, watchful of possible ambush. As the two warriors made there way to the center of the bridge, a small swarm of what Azriel later described as stirges, stirred from there nest under the bridge and attacked. Four of the beasts stayed on the warriors, while a fifth attacked azriel. Delanor used his magic to summon forth familiar bolts of eldritch force, killing one of them fairly quickly. Azriel handled the one attacking him with a bit of help from Kharask. Baerd handled the iced bridge quite easily, taking the fight to the beasts as they swarmed around him. The drow, erantaelik, had a difficult time with the wind and ice, his unfamiliarity with the outside elements becoming a weakness in the battle. As he fought to gain his bearings, and the battle raged around the troupe, a powerful spider crawled from its hiding spot near the bridge, sensing an easy meal, it lept nearly the length of the bridge to land upon Azriel, intent on getting a quick meal. Kharask moved in quickly, using his shoulders to put all of his strength into a thrust, he struck the spider in its center, the magic of his hammer sparked through his hands at his command, and a blast of force and sound knocked the spider off of his comrade, and sent the beast to a falling to its death. There victory followed a moment later, as the last stirge exploded under the onslaught of Baerd. The troupe got its bearings and rested a moment before moving in. The hammerhold was impressive, the flagstones still in place, the brickwork still mostly unblemished. Right as the troupe entered however, they were put to testing there prowess yet again as a group of the Greenscale kobolds led by a kobold shaman was stationed at the end of the entrance hall. The troupe took to there fight with haste, Drow magic was eclipsed by the power of eladrin magic, as Delanor set a great blast of force against one of the warriors which tore into his nearby companions as well. The silver elf followed his assault with a conjured blast of fire, and his trademark bolts of force. Azriel took to his swords, and began harassing the kobold warriors with small but vicious wounds, and baerd in his usual manner, charged forward into the fray. The kobolds were prepared however, and there sentinels set up a defense to protect there shaman and a sniper in there flanks. Seeing there defensive posture, Kharask charged into the center of it, taking damage from there attacks, but ruining there stance so that his allies could attack without retribution. The great dragonborn then was pushed back by there assault, and used his own draconic power to retaliate, exhaling a great roar of fire over the kobolds. The rest of the battle was handled efficiently, baerd cleaved his way behind them, Dalanor weakened there resolve, and the rest of the trouped fought between there ranks until at last there leader was killed on the twin swords of Azriel. After that, the troupe continued furthere into the hammerhold..

ok, thats that. I'll have another character related post soon!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

nice summary, phil. keep em up. I just hope that the other members of the group are reading them