Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Mad Perspective

(D&D related post. Gonna do a couple since i need to stay up. This is a recount of our latest adventure with our Alternate Characters. This is from Zeriveths perspective. No commentary from Erik the Damned. He's sleeping.)

Looking back the solution was simple. Like water. All was not as it was supposed to be. There was discord, and there was delusion. The path was twisted, and so were we, so there was no reason to look for the straight path. Like a broken sword. Without a point. I believe that was his goal. Laurelle. Pretty Laurelle. A smart man with no foresight. Or a child looking for an adult. He found a dragon to fight the dragons. A dragon not seen by this one. Purpose! the age old cure for life. We had one now, in the name of two scars. Two Scars? I count fifteen. Mine glow, but no more rank in the scheme of things, have I achieved. Into the woods we go! that was our assignment. To a small town, from a small mind. A large chest was our burden. Hidden secrets. Sinful memories maybe, or payment for a past. I think so. Into the woods. We are always in the woods. Gorum walks tall in the woods. He likes it there. He's stupid like the trees. He can turn into a tree. Tree's and rocks, rocks and trees. Conversing with him is like chewing on rocks. Painful. Let him walk and talk to the woods. The spirits. I forgot them. Tuvak spoke to them. He spoke to the spirits. All of them he said. I only talk to one. A totem of twigs and bones. His totem. His until death. And death came. Gnolls tore him apart. He screamed loud. There was blood and flesh, wet dirt and torn flesh. But there were no spirits. Weak. Weak and dead. Let the spirits have him. I have his totem. Fair trade i made with them. Merchant of death that I am. Ania watches me now though. Dead eyes, dead skin. She is a zombie, or i would think, if i hadnt woke in the night to feel for breath. Touch her skin. Warm skin. Cold soul. The destroyer of my world, and the savior of this one. A fair trade? A merchant of death. Maybe. So she lives. She lives and she watches, and she scolds, and she looks to a future filled with illusions and stupidity. Laurelle and Ania. If only he knew. There was one more though. Frost. A cat that can turn into a man. Everyone else looked on as it shifted back and forth. They watched silently, patiently. I am screaming like a madman inside. We travel with a monster! A beast! I do what it says so it wont eat me. Let us turn its evil on our foes. Let it eat gnolls and other monsters and grow stronger, and get bigger and eat the world. Let madness take the toll on my dear, stupid friends. I will hold it at bay as long as i can. But we traveled. I forgot my story. We traveled. Along a road and to a town. We traveled and killed gnolls and demons. Some of us made patterns of blood on the earth. Some of us prayed to the heavens. Some of us sang songs. Some of us waited. Waited for the princess. We rescued the princess. Like in books and stories that Erik knew. She was tied up like in the stories. In distress too. Like in the stories. We rescued her. She knew me. Zeriveth of course! She was one of the devil folk. Tails and horns. We took her to the town with us. We took her and i gave her my money. We finished what we started. A race. A book. I'm not sure. There seems to be no end that i can see. No one cares about the winner either. Now i sleep. We stay now at this town of dirt and poor people. We'll travel more in the woods. Always in the woods. I hate it. The darkness in there, like the pit in my chest. Where my magic is. Where he should be.

Thats that! i'll have more soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

lol I can't believe no one has commented on this post yet!