Friday, May 1, 2009

A form of Direction

(This is a character and campaign related post)

The two scars saw Akrava off from Almory. They were recieved as heroes by the port town for kiling Narraxis and freeing the ships to sail. The Two Scars spent a night celebrating there victory and on the following morning they headed towars Caran-Has to complete there contract. The travel was uneventful and they reached the large port city without delay. After settling there contracts they met with Laurelle and discussed other events. A tiefling named Kalara was introduced to Kharask and told the dragon born and Dalanor that they had a destiny north east in the woods surrounding Candomia, an old human kingdom. There was a temple there, and a being known as the recorder needed to speak with them. Dalanor scaled through the lies of the tiefling to uncover the fact she was working for Bael, a powerful duke of hell, and an enemy of Tiamat. Dalanor and Kharask surmised her power was sealed away, and the tiefling sought to get her power back by aiding the Two Scars into finding what it was buried beneath the library ruins in Candomia. Kharask approached his troupe and told them it was not an official contract. Erantaelik reminded Kharask that they all had issues with the cult of Tiamat and that they would stick together when confronted with her minions. After quick preperations they gathered there members. Baerd left on his own business, possibly due to words he had with Kharask. Azriel joined the troupe to lead them through a mostly untraveled north easter path. The two scars made a great deal of progress into the north eastern path, only encountering a few areas of trouble, the most notable being several ogres. It took the company no time to dispatch the behemoths and make there way closer to the now goblin controlled area of candomia. As the troupe made more progress, and closed in on there destination, Kharask began to wonder more on his destiny, and what it really meant to his future, his friends future, and the future of his people.

(I'll have more posts soon)

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