Sunday, June 28, 2009

Monsterpocalypse Stuff

Ok, this post is dedicated to the new mini's game me and some of my friends will be playing.

Ok guys, heres what i've gathered so far.

Mini wise, we really only need one big monster, you can do more monsters, but a one on one duel is normal. The goal is to kill the other monster, but the big monsters are also capable of destroying buildings and minions to get bonuses for more destruction on following rounds.

As far as minions go, you can bring fifteen to the game. You can only have five of the same type, and can only have five elites in total within your minions. An elite is a special version of your regular minion, and they are painted differently and have different stats. Although the object of the game is to destroy the monster (thats how you win) you use minions to secure locations (3 minions adjacent to a building can secure a location - that gives benefits during certain phases of the game -). Some minions give benefits to monsters too, an example is a repair vehicle that the G.U.A.R.D get that can repair my robot monster by taking an action.

When you come to a game you also have to bring a city. You need 2-12 buildings and you should also bring a map, the buildings are considered your city. The generic map that comes with the starter has eighteen building slots, so you could each place up to nine buildings from your city on it. I'm sure there are larger maps with more or less city slots on it. You dont have to have all the slots building slots filled to play a map, four buildings total in an area is the minimum. (players take turns putting there buildings out at the beginning of the game.) Buildings are important because when you destroy them you get special abilities based on the building type, some buildings also make good hazards when they are destroyed. Some buildings are also useful being not destroyed, thats when you'll use your minions to protect them.

So, we have some buying to do! there are plenty of building packs out there, and i might think about ordering some of this stuff online too, but i haven't decided yet. anyways, we need to get into it, the game looks like alot of fun!

G.U.A.R.D rules!


Pondrepof said...

Play Warmachine instead. :)

Unknown said...

Ha ha. Will you paint our figs for us sir?

Chaosturtle said...

Warmachine fig's are some of my favorite miniatures to date. I have some slight problems with the rules and goal of the original game though, otherwise you can bet i'd give it a go. especially since thats one of the few mini games you dont really need to put tons of money down to get going.

Pondrepof said...

@lokipan I would gladly paint them for you. :) Though, shipping costs would be a killer, lol

@chaosturtle The second edition of the rules comes out in January. They are much more streamlined and fast.