Saturday, May 31, 2014

A call home

This is a missive sent to the mother of Aeriseth Ellorellen, Dragon Crown of the Silver Gate, Third Seat of Blue Star, Eye of the Empress.
This missive is sent through a series of sending spells, assuming that Aeriseth gets at least a single call home per month.

"Dearest Mother
           All is well so far, though i hate to admit i have seen very little of Alborine. I do realize that would you have told me of the extensive work involved in my duties here i may have declined, were i given the choice. As i have now had time to explore the city and its people I believe that the city may hold some marvels within it, and i look forward to giving it my proper attention. The accommodations you and father supplied were beyond my expectation, and it brightens my days to know that you both think of me with such love and devotion. I have only one complaint, though i believe what i am about to bring up was a mere oversight. As i am expected to bring our glorious name to Alborine, I fully intended to share my arm with none other than pure blooded high elves, to show the nobility of Alborine that I would only be invested within another noble house if it included or was ruled by High Elven nobility. I was seeking to ask permission to purchase suitable women as needed from the various houses available within alborine for such occasions, as I know you would dare not send your son to a formal dance by himself. I have also concluded that perhaps you wish for me to mix the blood of our esteemed family, though i had always thought father was directly opposed to such a thing. Still, I have seen many a woman of varied races to strike my fancy. I do know that should i have a dalliance or two that would produce a mixed blood heir that you and father would fully support it, despite the fact it may sully our glorious and spectacular name. This last reason is my purpose for serving the both of you so well, to know that you would be behind such a grave humiliation to our family. Should you desire to make such women available i would not stand against you, as every night the cold winds of the alborinian shores bids me seek warmth in some form of companion. Should you choose not to do so, know that i will use the same wise and forward decisions i have always made in the past in order to secure my own company. I wait for your response, and know that i think of the both of you every day."

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