Monday, November 17, 2008

2nd Adventure 1st session

The Adventure continues. For everyone. After getting out of the sewers with the young boy, the troupe headed back to vadrier's alchemical shop. After a great deal of work and tedious care, the elder alchemist also helped bring Dalanar back from the brink of death. Although worse for wear, the Eladrin regained his strength within a few days. During this time the troupe disintigrated for a short while, Erantaelik went exploring, Azriel rested as the disease was purged from his body, Dalanar lay comatose for a couple of days, Baerd left before returning to the alchemists shop, having Kharask promise to keep his share of the loot safe. Kharask managed the care of the boy, watched over his sick comrades, and kept guard over Vadrier's shop during business hours. After several nights, Baerd broke into the shop, the troupe intercepted him, and a desperate Baerd convinced the troupe to help him with a family matter of sorts. It seemed that Baerd had business in an old dwarven stronghold, and that an ancient dwarven relic had to be reclaimed. After some debating and chastising of there fellow comrade, the troupe set out from the alchemists shop towards the mountains. It would take several days, so the adventurers geared themselves up, Kharask having to forcefully take matters into his own hands to get armor for his dwarven friend. The troupe traveled a well known path, Azriel blazing the trail for them, the first day passed peacefully, and the second as well, on the second night however, a group of Kobolds attempted an ambush. It failed miserably. Azriel was onto them right away, and saw them moving about in the bushes. He fired a shot that killed one instantly, then raised a call of alarm to the others. The rest happened swiftly. Kharask rose, and shouted commands to baerd, bolstering him to move beyond his normal limits, and allowing him to set up a powerful charge against a group of well armored kobolds. Azriel stayed in the rear, shooting arrows at stragglers, and taking shots at the leaders bodyguards. Dalanar moved in with fire and force, confusing the foe as Erantaelik moved in with sword and magic to walay another group. The downfall was imiediate. One kobold after another fell to magic, arrows, javelins and blades. Once the battle was finished, Azriel gave the troupe the grim news that the kobolds were more than likely in the service of a nearby green dragon. Troubled, but non afraid, the group settled back down to rest.

And thats where we ended! next D&D session update wont be till December. But i'll try to post some more stuff shortly.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

very nice post phil!