Thursday, October 30, 2008

First Adventure -Second Session-

Ok, so getting right back into the game, here is how it all went down. After killing off the remenants of the undead in the dead in pooling room, the troupe headed to explore more of the ancient and neglected sewer system. They quickly came to another ancient pooling room, not far from the beginning of the sewers. The room was enormous and ancient, and was obviously not an original part of the sewers, but an ancient ruin that was just improvised into a pooling room for the sewers of Kharan has. As the troupe approached the room, the backed up pool in blocking the entrance to the room became animate, a huge sludge of blue fluid animated and attacked ferociously. The battle was extremely tough, and the troupe gave it there all. Kharask bolstered his allies by showing his ferocity against enormous odds, and called up for defense against this new beast. His allies acted in turn, after seeing kharask's breath scorch the beast, Erantaelik conjured up mighty flames of his own, turning his sword aflame with a word of magic, and meeting the beast in combat. Baird met it with his usual ferocity, turning all his inner rage into a wave of slaughter to be directed at the monster, his attacks were clumsy but relentless, and large patches of the creature folded and fell away under his hate. Dalanar, the wizard stayed far from it, sending forceful explosions to contort and destroy its liquid form, and following our attacks with blasts of flame and force of his own. Azriel tried his best to aid the troupe, but the disease was getting to him, he moved into position and struck with great ferocity, but could not seem to get much going in the wakes of filth that moved around him. The beast did eventually die, turning into a pool of wasted blue ichor, but it left a legacy of pain behind it. The group spent time healing its wounds and the acidic burns left behind by the creature, but eventually searched the place, and moved on. Kharask took a bit of treasure with him as well, a small medallion that could turn regret into success with a bit of magic aid. So the troupe moved on, down more sewage filled corridors, another swarm of rats attacked them as they made there way, but was quickly dealt with. They moved past that and further along, moving towards the noise of a waterfall. The sewage seemed to be swept off and into a huge cavern system hundreds of feet below them, obviously the original home of where the goblins came from. Moving from this scenic view, the troupe moved further on to explore the sewer system, they were met with more goblins soon enough, three warriors guarded an empty bit of corridor. The group moved to dispatch them quickly, but then two goblin black blades attacked from behind. All though caught off guard, the adventurers handled this quickly. Baird and Kharask teamed up took the assasins, killing them in short order, The three elves worked together, and did so well. Silver and Dark magic merged against the warriors as the blades and arrows of the wood elves kept them from changing there position. The troupe followed a fleeing goblin into another pooling room, they dispatched him, but the small room also housed several zombies who animated and moved towards there next meal. This was handled swiftly and professionally. The magic of the dark elf, and tactics of Kharask kept them in a tight formation, as the troupe worked on there flanks, Dalanar the silver elf conjured an animated ball of fire which burned them from all sides, and simultaenously sent blasts of fire right into there centers. The creatures died yet again, to charred to ever reanimate. With no rooms left to search, and no sign of the children, the troupe searched further, and found a hidden door. The door led to a an old chamber filled with an alter and small cage. Signs of slaughter were all around the alter, and a near animate corpse shifted and moved on top of it. It was easy to see the children met there ends here, all save for one, a young boy in a small wooden cage. There adversary was an imp, apparently the familiar of a necromancer ran out and killed by some adventurers. The imp was preparing a spell to reanimate the corpse, but the group arrived in time to stop it. The imp used skeleton and zombie guardians to attack us directly, then used invisibility to stay hidden, and attack us at our flanks and sides. Our elven ranger went down nearly immiediately, a barbed tail sailing into his side and filling him with poison. His own fortitude and determination brought him out of the brink of unconsciousness, and gave kharask enough time to encourage him to rejoin the battle in haste. Things were not so fortunate for Dalanar, the wizard. The imp saw him as a real threat, and made no mistake in its attack, striking too near the heart of the eladrin, the troupe had no time to revive there fallen comrade, and he died before he even got to cast any of his magic. In the end, through swift thinking and deadly tactics, the group lured the imp out of hiding and brought him down. After rescuing the boy and fitting the body of there comrade, the troupe found a hidden route up and out into the city. Moving back to the alchemist, they told him of the goblins and devils plot, and made sure the boy was taken care of.

ok, thats it. Hope you enjoyed the read! =)


Pondrepof said...

One thing that (in my very limited experience)I noticed about 4e is that is breeds much more cooperative teamwork into the encounters... would you agree?

In 3.5e, a well prepared wizard could often take an encounter by himself...

What role is the barbarian...Defender?

Chaosturtle said...

Yeah K-man, i agree entirely. The class i'm playing is entirely for teamwork. And they split the diff classes into diff areas. Wizard is a controller, Rogues-Rangers are strikers, Warlords and Clerics are leaders, and paladins and fighters are the defense. If you miss an element, you can tell.
I miss the wizards of old, being able to prepare and either condemn your party, or ensure swift victory.

Chaosturtle said...

oh, and the barbarian is a striker by the way. a very effective.. crazy.. incredibly tough striker.

Unknown said...

when are we going to see some updates? Dammit