Monday, October 27, 2008

Magic Items -Help List-

So our DM recently told me that he was thinking about letting his players come up with a wish list for magic items. You see, in 4th edition magic items are not random, they are placed. I actually like this more than i dislike it, it lets the dm come up with stylized gear for the characters. The problem is that the DM already has tons of stuff to think about, coming up with 4 magic items per character level to be split among 5 characters will be difficult at best. So, to help him out i decided to come up with a .. helper list. I'm not a fan of wish lists, i still like to be suprised, but this should help our overwhelmed DM a bit =)

Armor - Well, really he doesnt need armor for defense so much. So i'm not looking for heavy pluses on the armor. It helps, but he wont be the target most of the time. So, abilities is what should be looked for here. Armor like Exalted armor that helps with healing would be great, and similar types of armor that help him with healing or his other warlord functions would be great. Mobility isnt an issue, so gear that helps with that wont do much. Armor that gives bonuses when he's bloodied wouldnt be bad either, for other ideas. If he's hurt, and has armor that helps him out in a pinch it will let him get back to healing that much faster.

Weapons - anything really. He's a damage dealer when it comes to combat, so he really doesnt need anything special. Daily's that help stun, daze, or immobilize are nice, but probably better on other characters. When it comes to weapons, pluses are probably best for him, at least at heroic tier, unless something helps out his warlord functions. Save the powerful weapons parcels for some of the other melee guys. With a ranger, Sword mage, and barbarian, I think the warlord can take second seat on magic weapons. Worst case scenario i have to buy some later on. But done be shy on types, I can use magic javelins, throwing hammers, and mauls. Later on i'd love a distinctive weapon, I really like defining weapons. but I dont see anything at this tier of play.

Other Gear -Things that help him be a better warlord. Dont focus on mobility or items that increase certain ability scores. Focus on things that either let him stay in the fight longer, such as amulets or cloaks that give him limited damage reduction or the like, or you can give him items that allow him to heal, help, or aid his allies in some way. Later on i see him being a very tough character to kill, and more than likely i can see his misc. gear going towards heavy defense, and his weapon being his defining offense.

hope that helps some.

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