Thursday, January 15, 2009

3rd adventure 5th session

So, the troupe survived its encounters in the Angath Hammerhold. In the end the troupe found a great deal of evidence suggesting more to the Hammerhold, but not enough solid evidence to warrant an excavation of the site. Back in town the troupe split up, with heavy weather covering the land, the party decided to utilize there new found gold to take a break until the weather got fair. Kharask and Delanar delivered an alchemical formula found in the hammerhold. Vadrier was more than pleased, and offered them some coin, as well as Delanar an arcane formula. After this Kharask spoke to delanar of the company he was creating, and offered delanar first seat. The two had a serious discussion, and delanar pledged his name to the two scar company. Kharask spent the rest of his time promoting his new company, asking local vendors, tradesmen and innskeeper to throw information his way on any possible contracts. Kharask then met his fellow comrades at one of the fancier Inns for dinner, and through the course of the night, all previous members of the troupe agreed to join the company, thus founding the Two Scars Company. The new adventuring party did not have to wait long for a contract, as there old friend (forgot his name) a tradesman whom they had helped in one of his travels pleaded Kharask to help him travel up to Wintershome, a ten day trek into the mountains past the hammerhold. Kharask agreed and bargained for a little more coin from the merchant for the trek. The Two Scars then began there escort out of Karan'Has and towards Winter Home, a dwarven settlement. The first two days were uneventful, the weather was fair and the sky was clear. On the third day, during one of there breaks, a group of hobgoblins accompanied by a troll they had captured attacked the party. The troupe met the monsters, Kharask joining the fight late, not seeing the hobgoblins right away. The battle was handled well. The troll was maintained through the efforts of Dalanor's magic, who's fire seemed to quell the beasts healing abilities. Baerd and Azriel kept the beast from moving from its position, creating horrible wounds in the beasts rubbery hide to keep it at bay. The creature was powerful, and raked azriel several times with its powerful claws, but Kharask eventually got to the battle, spurring Azriel on while telling the group to focus on its defense. Merric then tumbled in behind the beast planting a dagger in the back of its skull. Delanor finished it with another spell of fire, then the troupe turned to the hobgoblins. Erantaelik handled the evil humanoids well, using his darkness magic to keep them from attacking while the troll was destroyed. Once the rest of the troupe came to his aid, the creatures were already beleagured. Although they fought well, using organized tactics and hiding behind well made armor, the Two Scars cut them down to the last, and spurred there merchant friend onward past the grizzly scene. The next day was relatively uneventful as well, however, as night settled in and Kharask took to his watch, he had noticed some movement in the bush. Trusting his instincts he called for his friends to wake up, and launched an offensive. The beasts that revealed themselves were just that, A huge wolf surrounded by a pack of smaller wolves. The encounter was handled very effectively. Dalanor used his magics to weaken the foes, Erantaelik used his spells keep them in place while waves of force washed over his enemies further weakening them. Baerd and Azriel took out a group of wolves that had split off, and Kharask and Merric took to a small pack of wolves until Kharask made room for Merric to help out the drow. The battle was swift, and the troupe quickly settled back in to there sleep.

Ok, that was all for the adventure tonight. I'll have more later! =)


Unknown said...

Nice write up. The clients name is Lammodon and his duaghter is Zappora fyi :)

Unknown said...

oh yeah, and thats going to be the last Dire Wolf with a pack of Grey Wolves encounter that I use for a while..despite how muc i love using

Chaosturtle said...

HAH. so you say now!