Friday, August 7, 2009

Chapter one Info

(Character related post dealing with our new chronicle -Name it!- This is from a character perspective and some info can and will be left out in case its Game sensitive material.)
-By the by gm, story was great and keep it up. Two thumbs up from this kid. Wasnt honestly enthused about doing it, but I have alot of juice going into it now. I forgot how much i missed the rp. Great session =)

You know, being a detective, you can see things that others cant. Being a Gangrel, well, you can kind of feel things that others cant, something in the gut. Hell, maybe other clans get it too, not sure, but i havent seen that "look" from any other clans yet. Dont get me wrong, I'm not mr. vampire over here, and I still dont know shit about shit. One thing i can tell you though after tonight, with one hundred percent certainty, I. Am. Fucked.

So I go to a party right, A fourth of july party. Sounds fun I know. Lots of rain too which made the night pretty fucking pointless. But hey, cant really say no to this type of party. The hostess is the real deal, looks that a man could kill for, and the presence of someone thats way out of your fucking reach. Gabrielle is her name, and she leads us, the Carthians. I know I know, me the big politician. In all honesty, I really didnt have many places to go. The invictus runs the show, there dicks about it too, and make it a point to piss everyone else off. Not my kind of thing. Sure I like pushing people around, but its gotta be for a real reason and purpose, not just for kicks. Its gotta solve a problem, not make more. These guys think out of there asses, not with there head or there guts. So, cant fit in there. The crones are kind crawling with my clan members. I cant wrap my head around it though. Fucking witches or pagans or something. The Dragons are another group of crazies that I cant even come close to understanding. Then theres the whole religious party thats pretty much as pointless as real churches. Man all i need right now is more fucking guilt. That would fix a whole lot of nothing. So its the Carthians. They have ideas for change in the city, to make the other vampires happier. I kinda dont believe this bullshit for the simple fact that really, not one vampire i've met has been happy. But hell if it can make things a bit easier i'm in. That and they really want you to stay on board with your mortal pals, which is good, because i have alot. Yeah i know, I'm the glue of the movement. So i'm off the point a bit, but Gabrielle throws this party, and I go to it. I know its pretty much an appointment more than a party. I havent been to many of the meetings at the Cellar, and I gotta have some face time. Hard to make friends among our kind. I still dont have any. Maybe its my charm. So the first thing she does is introduce me to a few other vampires. I've seen them before you know, but I really dont play much in investigating or getting to know my own kind. Its a dangerous business from what i've heard. These other kindred are neonates like me though. Neonate. That means were green and dont know shit I guess. So I get introduced to this suit named Jacob Halloway. I know him from a case i did on his partner some years back. I'm playing the fool on what i know, mostly because he's a lord and I dont want him making me think i'm a fucking mouse. Dont know if he has that much pull, but I dont want to press my luck yet. I heard tales to stay away from them, and to not look them in the eye, and for now thats what i plan on doing. Guys a typical suit who's made his way. Full of bullshit and confidence. Not many of his clan in the carthians, so I wont be suprised if he makes alot of enemies, which is great, because since i'm getting paired up with him I'll have his enemies too. Yeah, fucking fantastic. He talked about a few things but i didnt pay too much attention, most of it was just to show us how cool he was. Over forty and its like i'm back in high school. He's powerful though i'm sure. No one with that much confidence and that nice of a suit gets to his position without being able to do something. Also in our little group was a cowboy. AJ, yeah thats what i said. Who? That country singer from a ways back that sang a song that alot of people talked about. Right, your seeing things now. A fucking superstar businessman who will make us tons of enemies, and a fucking country singer who probably every one knows, and alot of people hate. The guys ok though, he sang a couple of good songs, definitely knows his music, but i cant see him being much use in our little coterie. Coterie, thats vampire for gang. So the last of our merry little group was a chick named Lisa. Looked like a regular kid to me. Early twenties, nothing really special about her. The other two i got pegged. The cowboy is a Daeva, and the businessman is a Ventrue. Little miss normal i'm not so sure. Maybe a Mekhet, there called shadows, and they kind of have members all over the place. Not a daeva or a ventrue, i'm pretty sure of that. Gaunts are really ugly from what i've heard, and she was hanging out near them when i came into the party. Could be one of them I guess. Doesnt really matter, from what i can tell she's smart, and really shy. Too fucking shy to last much longer in this world. I saw something in her eyes when we were talking, something afraid, terrified, and man, I wouldnt be lying if something in my blood wanted her to run. Anyways Gabriell takes us all back and tells us we're working for her. No happy 4th of july or nothing. We're right to work too, some ghoul is causing some problems and we have to track him down and bring him back. He's hanging out with a gang, so that actually might make things a bit easier. Regardless this isnt going to be easy. I have a feeling this is a test from our leader, she's getting into some pretty intense shit, and she's going to need alot of people defending her and watching her back if the Carthians stand a chance in New York. Nice to know she's going to be leaning on us. Makes sense too. We do this little deed and our names get mentioned. Fantastic i know. Totally fucked. But you know, my blood, it wants this. I can feel it inside, just coiling in excitement. I cant explain it more than that, but I do know that whatevers going on in there isnt gonna stop because of this, its gonna grow. I wish to fuck I knew someone who could tell me about this shit. Maybe it wont matter, maybe these punks will blow my head off tomorrow and that'll be the end of Detective Crawford. Well, now its back home, get to listen to Ben and Jerry growl at me some, they get pissy at me when i'm like this. I can almost feel there anger and frustration, I swear to god i can. I hear my clans good with beasts, maybe its just my blood, making its move again. Maybe i'm just going fucking crazy too.

(Ok, thats it, i'll have more posts related to my character soon)

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