Saturday, August 8, 2009

Some gaming stuff

This post is just dedicated to some of my general gaming past. My gm has posted a wonderful history of his own gaming so far (needs to update) and it got me thinking. I dont really want to go that far back in my history, but i do like going over some of my past greats and hates, so i'll share some of that with you readers.

Gamers - I've had many gamers, and all of them have been friends of mine. Brandon and Scott were two of my earliest gamers, and both really great friends of mine. We got started into really old D&D and let me tell you nothing beats the feeling of playing first addition, there was something to it that none of the other additions ever got. Not saying it was the best, no way in hell, it just had a feel to it that made it memorable. We also played and ran alot of Battle Tech and similar rpg's usually under Brandons Scott was almost exclusively a Dungeons and Dragons player, but didnt last long into high school unfortunately. Jason and Aaron were also gamers of mine, and i used to torture them non stop with some of my more sinister dungeon and dragons campaigns. They seemed to enjoy themselves, and we had alot of fun, which was the point. Chris was one of my later gaming buddies, and along with jason are the two only old school gamers I still game with. Me and Chris got along due to our similar age and gaming experience. He was far better at story telling than I was and had fresh ideas all the time. It was also nice being able to be a player, i had been a D.M. for the most part and never really got a chance to play, and chris actually wanted to D.M. so it worked out perfect. Melissa and Matt came in to my life as a gamer during the same year or close to it, both were excellent at role playing. Not saying the others were no good at it, these two just had a way to create characters and really make them stick. One of the last players i was introduced to was Karl. Me and him became good friends and I eventually got him into our gaming group. Fantastic roleplayer, and he has a real talent for telling stories. He was also great at creating fresh character concepts, and very memorable moments during his gaming career with us. I only wish we could have gotten some campaigns out of him before he left Ohio. My newest friend gamers are Matt and Steve, both of which have awesome potential, and are turning out to be great friends as well, nice to know that even as i edge towards the middle of my life I still get to make good gaming contacts and friends.

My Campaigns - I have ran tons of campaigns and been in just as many. One i ran for my friend brandon was probably one of my favorites. I created a marvelous fantasy world for his paladin, and had some great npc's at the time. Jason and Aaron both got to delve into this world as well, and it was my primary fantasy world for at least a few years. Unfortunately I never got to use it with many of my other friends and gamers. I had what i like to consider a fairly good werewolf chronicle. Had some great characters in it. One thing I believe is a strength is my ability to take basic stories, and upon meeting the characters in that story, open up and tailor my world around the heroes. I'm not the best storyteller, but i think i'm pretty good at guaging player expectations, and knowing what is fun and not fun. Though believe me i've made my mistakes. Jason actually had alot of characters in my worlds, and i loved putting them through hell. Ha! sometimes literally. I miss DM'ing sometimes, and then again, in some respects, i dont miss it at all.

Other Campaigns - Wow. So many. My first big chronicle was under Scott, and it was a great set of stories. My character in that one was Lorik AstralBound, an elven wizard. Brandon never really ran any campaigns that stuck in my mind, but he had a presence as a player that was unforgettable, still wish he was gaming with us. Great friend. Karl ran a TNMNT game that i'll always remember, I played Sharp, a blue jay mutant, and Chris played Angry Jack, a wolverine or badger mutant. That was alot of fun. Chris had a couple of chronicles that are in my favorites, his forgotten realms chronicle was absolutely fantastic, and I hope to capture that type of D&D feel again in my life time. My character was Shen Morningkill of the mockingbird tribe of bladesingers. Karl, Jason and melissa had characters in that as well, and it was nice because it had a real team feel to it. Chris also ran a Werewolf chronicle that I loved. I played an albino metis uktena theurge named Shallow Ghost. Was a great chronicle with alot of great characters, the story was absolutely fantastic. It did put a pretty big drain on our GM though. Heh. His Dark Ages chronicle was a very intense and dark fantasy-rp set of adventures that will be hard for him to top. His storytelling in that campaign and just the direction of his stories were well thought out, and not only was full of powerful moments, it was also very intelligent. Then again I was playing alongside Meliss and Matt, two very intelligent gamers in there own right. Really wish Karl would have been around to get in on that one. My one on one Campaign with Anzari Shadowcloak was great. That was my first taste of Chris's unique fantasy world, and ever since i've been the biggest petitioner of him not doing away with it, as he's had thoughts about it from time to time. Another great D&D chronicle was set in his world. I played Kalith the Incanter in that one. Jason had a great character in that one, one of the first times i saw him shine as a player. He played a psion, Reinor. Chris did some great stories around another character of Jasons, a mage. The stories he did for us, especially the solo mage stories were fantastic. Melissa and Karl played changelings!

What could have been - Been on MANY starter campaigns that petered out before there time. The one I regret the most is a Sabat Chronicle ran by chris. That thing was just alot of fun. Wish it would have lasted longer, but werewolves ate us. Chris's Halloween stories. Fantastic idea we kept up for a few years. Mostly Sabbat chronicles. A big D&D one that ended all too soon had to do with really well thought out characters of me and jasons. I played a conjurer and he played a knight. We never should have left that chronicle, it had so much energy and potential. That is one i will definitely regret not finishing.

Favorite Gaming type - Fantasy for the most part, though world of darkness may make a come back. The new games seem to be pretty good. If nothing else it will be a great break from our fantasy gaming from time to time.

Regrets in gaming - 4th edition. That book is one half awesome and one half awful. Really though, I can agree with all of my friends, you just cant go back to 3.5 E once you've gotten into 4e, its just too convenient and easy to pick up and play. I look forward to more chronicles with the system though. Our current g.m. can easily come up with games that make the most out of systems he's given. I also regret the fact that miniature gaming is too damned expensive. I love the idea soooo much. just cant aford the cost or the time.

Some of my favorite characters!
Aram the Tree Devil - Elven Warlock
Anzari Shadowcloak - Human Warlock - yeah i know-
Rafal Lucegro - Bad ass Tzimisce
Shendolen Morningkill - Elven Bladesinger
Urith Konrad - A knight cohort that protected one of my characters
Morpheus - Native american Cult of Ecstacy mage -
Kalith the Incanter - Human Wizard
Shallow Ghost - Werewolf
Plotius - Shadowlord Werewolf. Got some flak for playing this guy a little over the top on a few rp sessions, but i really liked that character.
Aerivane - Human Conjurer
Bleeding Stone Tiger (BST) - My Khan. Was a fantastic campaign too!

I am sure there are others i'm forgetting.
Ok, that was just a general little gaming post, hope you guys enjoyed!


Unknown said...

Holy crap what a great post!
Campaign-wise, I have to say my
favorite campaign under you was the Grey Wolf reboot. You did a great job creating a scale-able version of Wolftooth that I still love thinking about.
Character-wise, my favorite character of yours would be a toss up between Shen and Rafal Lucegro. Both had very, very memorable personalities.

Pondrepof said...

good post Phil... does this mean I am next for a gaming history post??

Chaosturtle said...

Yeah! i think you should!

Unknown said...

I still have to finish mine...

Chaosturtle said...

Damn right you do chris!
I forgot to add Akhemosis on my favorite character list. And Bakshi too!