Thursday, January 7, 2010

Only the Spirits will know

(Another character related post)

The night of revelry ended. Children of Gaia and there kinfolk wandered around the sept in a daze for most of the night. Many of the other tribes who did not participate were charged to defend the sept. I ran the night out. The moon was full. I filled my hunger with rabits and small game. I was tired of hunting. Tired of doing nothing with my strength. The morning came, and with it, purpose. I hoped this was true.

What was formed was to be our pack. We were to be charged with searching out Kathleen's pack mates. They had traveled to a weaver dish near the sept. The sept leader and the glass walker spoke of what the weaver dish was. It made no sense. We would be charged with finding and securing the area. The Get of Fenris never showed, but our theurge did. He called himself Kaiden. Me and Wephowet were given our spirit names through our rite of passage. We had no names before this. The homid were also given there spirit names. They do not like there names, they do not speak there names in there title. Gaia gave them these names, and they mock her by not adopting them. It shames me to be part of a pack with no connection to our mother. Only the silver fang Cold-Claws announced himself as such, but only to the sept leader. I only know the silver fangs spirit name, the others I do not know. The spirits will know how they disgrace our mother. They will speak of it during the next moot. I will get shamed for not speaking with them of there wrong doing. I will do so. I do not want the spirits thinking that I dont know my place. I will not lose renown because of there ignorance. I wish the other tribal elders would train there pups with more respect.

Kaiden was a homid like the others in our pack. He was tall, but had little strength in his frame. He was a theurge and a child of gaia, so his weakness was to be expected. He had spiritual strength that made up for his physical weakness. That was good. He would deal with the spirits that adressed our pack, he would need that strength in the future.

The pack made there way to the dish. We went in the Umbra, the spirit lands. We traveled fast, in the wolf form, and made our way to the spot without trouble. The dish was a great metal tree, with silver threads for branches. The weaver spirits made there way along the webs, and were securing the weaver site. Behind this tower there was a great black cloud. This cloud was not the proud darkness of grandfather thunder, but a cloud of sickness. Wyrm. Kathleen told us to travel back to mother gaia and secure the site from any wyrm spawn that would be there. She said she would investigate the black cloud. She turned into a weaver spirit and climbed the tower as the rest of us passed through the spirit gauntlet.

Myself and the moondancer arrived first. I made the decision to wait for the others. As we waited we saw many wyrm minions. The fomori. They were homids, but twisted by the wyrm. They were taking things from the weaver dish, and putting them into there trucks. Cold-Claws and Kaiden made there way through, but Wepowhet stayed behind. Cold-Claws declared our attack. He directed me to the homids with guns. The moon dancer went for the large homid with a weaver tool. Cold-Claws and Kaiden moved down towards the other three.

It was a battle of great glory. The three with guns died by my fangs. I was like a storm of rage. I made Grandfather thunder proud. The spirits will say this. I did my part. I killed my three. I protected the theurge by knocking his attacker away, and then killed the moondancers prey to free her to help kaiden. After that foe was dead I finished off one more of the fomori. Cold-Claws killed one of them. The moon dancer killed two, though I give the weaver wielder to her as well. Her claws made it easy prey. She will not tell the spirits that Kills-for-thunder steals the weak. I use my strength for the pack. Let her have that kill.

Cold-Claws had me follow the fomori trail while they dealt with the weaver dish. I followed the trail a distance, and found where the fomori were hiding. There home was infested with wyrm, they were corrupting the land. My rage demanded sacrifice. Like stupid animals, they left one of there weak too far from the herd. A sacrifice for thunder now. I told the others, but they wanted to tell the elders of what we had found. The wyrm no more than a good run from the sept, and they wanted to cry to the elders. No doubt they would send us right back to deal with this problem. Cold-Claws is taking the alpha, and he says what we do. His decision is wrong. The wyrm should not be on our lands. They will find there dead and be ready. He is not a warrior. He does not see this. The children of gaia like talking, so perhaps he is doing what the children of gaia will do. He is acting for his renown. I can understand that. The spirits will be angry with us. They will want us to end the corruption. But we run away. Only to run back. Orders are Orders though. It is not my place yet to question them. I was told as much.

We arrived back and told the sept leader of all we had done. She told us we would be going back to finish what we had started. This made sense of course. It was what should be done. But we had to go back to get orders, to go back to finish the fight. Our leaders and advisors are all talkers, and they do question themselves, there orders, and what should be done at every step. All of our missions will take a very long time. The spirits have not chosen us. I am angry. I understand. Our pack does not adopt there spirit names, and seem to turn away when the spirits need them most. I hope a spirit looks at what strength we have. Our leaders just need there guidance.

(Ok, i'll have some more later!)

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