Friday, June 1, 2012

A dawn of betrayal?

(Game related post)
Callissa smiled as she past her servants, her thin near elven smile and beautiful features always managed to get a blush or smile from her servants. Wide, curious green eyes, well kept and flowing brown hair. She was beautiful, both inside and out. But she was also a woman, one with secrets, one with flaws, one with desires, and one with a future. Granted, these days her features were growing a bit, she was still pleased to see that her beauty was only slightly diminished, only a bit larger in the mirror. The mistress of the house walked the stone stairs towards her room, she noted a few of the servants looking into her room, and peeked in as well, seeing her husband sleeping soundly, his wings folded cautiously behind him as he lay on his side. Calissa smiled and shooed his servants away, allowing her beloved husband to sleep just a bit longer. The grand party he was planning was on its way, all in the works, and Callissa had aided in the creation of it just as much as the money had aided in getting the space and people needed to make it unforgettable. Callissa moved a finger over the scroll of paper as she moved up the stairs and towards her study. Well, it was both of there studies really, but she enjoyed the paperwork. Alzaroth did not. So it was hers. The scout that had given her the scroll was a veteran, said he had known Alzaroth, and that he wanted to drop it off in person, but had to return to the lines immiediately. The mans name was Ragamonte, an older, scruffy looking human scout with a mustache that covered most of his face, almost comically so. He was half candomian, but he was a raven spire loyalist, and the finest scout captain the forces had seen in a long time. Callissa moved the scroll to her desk and carefully read the text again. Every word burned into her, and she put it to memory, though it was already etched into her mind after its first reading downstairs. The writing was in a very poor common, so obvious an elf had written it.
"Alzaroth, I hope this reaches you. My common is bad, so bear with me. I got your letter, though it took some time. I am doing ok. Things here are getting crazy. Its all I can do to stay alive and get the information back to the forces that need them. Took a few wounds that looked pretty final, but pulled through all the same. I dont like thinking of this war, and the things in this war. I remember our talks, and the talks of a life without all the conflict. I want that kind of life. I hope for that kind of life. Just like you always have. I want a place for myself, a place where I can be myself and escape from the things Ive had to see and do. I know you want that kind of peace as well. We wont find it here. We wont find it anywhere. I know you may not see me like this, but I have always seen you. I hope that when I get back, we can find a place together. I know this seems forward. Being in deaths embrace for so long, being so close to losing everything everyday, it speeds up time. Makes things become clear, especially the future. I look up at the night sky. I see the stars, but I dont see you. Maybe I will some day, when I make it home. I Hope you will be looking for me too. If I do not come home, look after things for me. I have a half sister and a mother. Both are a handful, but they will need to be told about who I was, should I never come back. Ill ask that you look after them if I dont make it back. Even if our being together was not in the stars, no that our friendship will be forever. I hope the fates find you well, and tested, and lead you to the person you were meant to be. Your ears on the ground. Dialanthara/Diane"
Callissa looked the scroll over again and sighed. Her husband would need to see this. Would want to see this. It was obvious that her dear sister had no idea of there marriage or almost any news. She knew getting information to and from the lines was hard, and figured most of the missives either got lost or dismissed. Getting mail to scouts was not only difficult, it was extremely distracting.  Callissa sighed again and looked at the letter. Dear sister. What a complication this was. Worse, the whole thing could get blown up by the townsfolk if her sister made a big scene of it all. Though it would go with the stories of the unhappy marriage. Callissa looked up to see that black cat that was always wandering about. She reached out and petted its almost ethereal coat, smiling. A dark though crossed her mind as she looked back down to the scroll. It might almost be better if she never did make it back, both for the family, and for her dear sister herself. As dark as it was, it almost seemed right. Callissa moved to a cabinet and fetched a bottle of elven wine and poured it into a chalice. She took a long drink as she put a hand over the slight bulge in her belly. With a sigh she moved back to her writing desk, trying to dispel the darkness that had krept in there. She smirked, the black cat apparently playing with something on the scroll. What was that in its mouth? A single red rose petal. Red roses, why did that seem familiar in her mind. Ah, crimson rose. Thats what it was. She pet the cats head once more and looked back down at the scroll. She rolled it up and set it aside. She had plans, plans for her dear husband. She grinned as she though of the gift she had bought him. He'd be suprised at the party, which would be fitting. He'd spent all this time and energy on the party, its only fitting he got some reward. Callissa dismissed the thoughts of the scroll for now. She'd have to think of something, some way to present it to him, or deal with it soon enough. But for now, there life was full of happiness. Why ruin it with bad news. The dark cat simply watched on as the woman went about her business.

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