Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ancestral Blade -update-

The Ancestral Blade Class feature allows the Samurai to pick a specific path that the spirit of his sword, and his clan have chosen. This is a combination of technique, practice, and spiritual power.
Every time a Samurai advances in the Ancestral Blade you may choose from the list of techniques and powers, depending on your samurai build. Though each ancestral blade has a specific ability attached with it, Samurai can pick and choose from a few selections to diversify his character, even within a clan.

Sharpest Blade - Clans that utilize this build usually have excellent craftsman and secret techniques involving the creation of there weapons. The spiritual awakening is more mundane than most samurai, and is more akin to becoming one with the weapon itself. Although not filled with spritual power and fantastic effects, the Sharpest Blade promises great damage potential that can surpass that of a specialized fighter.

LvL 5 Choices -
At this level the spirit of your blade awakens. It becomes sharper as you become attuned to its design. The critical multiplier is increased to x3. Due to your own increase in skill you can choose one of the following effects.
1-  With a swift, skillful stroke you can cut through almost anything. Your attacks ignore up to 10 points of hardness from any object you strike.
2 - You simply know your blade, and how to extract more out of it. Due to your attunement to it you can add 2 points of damage to your base damage with this weapon.
3 -  Your blade cuts through targets and into others, never slowing down in its speed or efficiency. You gain cleave with IaIjutsu attacks, though the secondary target is subject only to a standard attack, and not the additional attacks.  Since the Iaijutsu attack is one lump sum of damage, the cleave happens only after all damage from primary attack is resolved.

LvL 10 Choices -
At this level the blades spirit and your own merge even more. You can get martial prowess out of your sword that no other swordsman could.
You increase the threat range of your weapon to 16-20 - this can never again be altered.
1 - Although the blade is the same, it is far more devestating in your hands, doing damage that only a larger blade could create. The damage die becomes 2d6
2 - Through your attunement you can send your strength into your attacks better than even other samurai. Half of your power attack bonus translates into your additional attacks, but on a 1 for 1 basis regardless of if you are holding it 1 or 2 handed.
3 - Fast and precise, you can create wounds on your target that bleed profusely, promising your opponent that should the battle last too long, it will always go in your favor. Each source of damage you do with the blade causes a 1 point cumulative bleed effect. For the purpose of this ability each extra attack from your Iaijutsu is a source of damage. This attack works only on living creatures subject to critical hits.

LvL 15 Choices
Now fully attuned, the blade is as much a part of you as a weapon could be. More over, it can draw from your skill and expertise as you draw on it, adding even more potential to your fighting style.
The damage of your first extra attack is also doubled after a critical hit.
1 - You understand balance and stroke more than most, and your blade helps you adjust your swing as it happens. You may add double your strength modifier to your damage roll when wielding the sword two handed.
2 -  True mastery of the finer points of the Katana allows you to pull even more potential out of it. At this level you may add 2 to your attack and damage rolls with this weapon.
3 -  There is no error in your potential, as each attack is meticulously planned and calculated by both you, and your blade. You do not need to roll to confirm critical hits, so long as you do not need to roll a 20 to do so.

LvL 20 Choices
Your spirits are indestiguishable, as you are as much a weapon now as a person. A true Kensai in every form of the word, your mastery of the Katana is complete.
If you can do half of your enemies maximum total HP in damage in a single round, you kill that opponent.  This works only on creatures with an anatomy and subject to critical hits.
1 - There is precision in every swing you make, even those that happen so fast that it is nearly impossible. You may add 3 die of your fastest cut damage to your additional strikes.
2 - You are not concerned with armor or scales, your blade slices through such things as simply as it does the air. You ignore the Armor and Natural armor ratings of your enemies.
4 -  Your blade cuts through opponents and into others regardless if they survive the attack or not. After you make an Iaijutsu attack, you can imiediately make another attack against a secondary foe adjacent to you. This is a standard Iaijutsu attack and obeys all the rules of Iaijutsu. This does not allow you any additional movement.


Warding Blade -  Clans who make use of the warding blade often believe in the simple philosophy that all fights cannot be won in an instant. Iaijutsu believes that fights should be fast, painless affairs, but reality is sometimes more demanding. Some opponents are crafty, other opponents are resilient. By overcoming your foes with a combination of swift offense, and an unyielding defense, you can overcome any foe.  Other Clans simply craft swords with old guardian spirits who tend to look after the samurai clan in a paternal way.  The clans Katana's tend to be crafted with pearl or amber fittings to represent the protective nature of the swords spirit, but the general design can be as varied or normal as any katana.  Most of the warding blades power comes from raw spiritual strength, though some practice and technique is also important.

LvL 5 Choices -
The spirit of the blade is protective of its master. It does what it can to bolster his instincts and reflexes to allow him to block incoming attacks while it creates spiritual walls of pressure to add supernatural strength to these defenses.
You add a +3 to your AC as a deflection bonus so long as your have the sword in your posession.
1 -  The sword focuses itself on your natural defenses. Your reflexes are a bit sharper, your body more durable, and your mind stronger.  So long as the sword is on your posession you get a +3 bonus to your saving throws. This is an untyped bonus that stacks with all other bonuses.
2 -   A technique more than a spiritual power, the sword allows you to utilize fast attacks to block or break incoming attacks from your foes while you move into defeat them. You may block arrows and projectiles with your blade. This protects you from standard ammunition from crossbows, bows, blowpipes, slings etc. This does not protect you from thrown weapons of creatures of a size larger than medium, siege weapons, or other larger projectiles.
3 -  While utilizing your Iaijuts your sword creates a ward of visible spiritual energy that pulses around you, the spiritual pressure has substance of its own, and protects the sword wielder just as well as any physical structure would. In any round you utilize an Iaijutsu manuever you are considered to have cover, and gain a +2 bonus on reflex saves.  

LvL 10 Choices
Ever protective, your swords spirit grows as your experience and dangers grow. The sword itself emits an almost noticable spiritual presence, and when unsheathed seems to create pulse like blasts of spiritual energy.
You have energy resistance 20 to all sources while you have the sword in your posession.
1 - The spiritual pressure of your sword snuffs out a specific energy type to wich it is attuned. You gain immunity to one energy type of your chosing while the sword is in your posession.
2 - The spiritual health of your sword carries over into you as well, making your body far less frail than that of a normal mortals. You are immune to the Sickened, and Nauseated conditions while the sword is in your posession as well as to all diseases.
3 -  Your spirit drains away impurities as they enter your system. You are immune to poisons of all types while the sword is in your posession.

LvL 15 Choices
The spirit of the sword radiates energy as always, becoming a visible aura of energy, but nearly radiantly so when the sword is drawn, and the spiritual pressure released.
While the sword is in your posession you gain SR of 12 + your samurai level.
1 -  While you are motionless, you are vulnerable. Your spirit makes it impossible for magic or mundane means to slow your body or mind. While you are in posession of the sword you are immune to both paralysis and stunning.
3 -  The living energy radiating from yoru spirit also infuses you. Death can no longer touch you. You are immune to death effects and energy drain while the sword is in your posession.
4 -  Like a font of life, your spirit constantly moves from your sword through you, making wounds vanish in moments, and fatigue dissipate in an instant. You gain fast healing 5 while the sword is in your posession. You are immune to the fatigue and exhausted conditions.

LvL 20 Choices
You are nearly as much a spirit as your sword is. The two of you protect and guide each other, and your powers are greatly increased because of it.  So long as you are not seperated from the sword, you are nearly indestructable.
While in posession of the sword you gain regeneration fire and acid.
1 -  The pulsating spiritual energy emenating from yoru sword wraps around you like a cacoon in combat, protecting you from nearly all manner of special attacks. You are immune to ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, death effects, mind affecting effects and critical hits while you are in posession of the sword.
3 -  The sword puts up nearly invulnerable pulses of spiritual energy as you are attacked, these repel and destoy attacks before they actually ever make it to you. You take no partial damage or effect any time you make a saving throw, and only half damage if you miss the saving throw, though you would still take the effect.
4 -  More of a technique, you and the sword by combining your powers can avoid and deflect almost any form of spell or projectile. During any round in which you utilize an Iaijutsu maneuver you are immune to any projectiles, rays, or otherwise ranged touch attacks as well as automatically being able to abjucate new targets within 20' of you (attack roll is the same at it was when it attacked you). You also deflect one spell as per spell turning each round that you utilze the Iaijutsu maneuever.


Blade of Clouds -  The samurai clans that focus on the clouds usually depict the strength, grace, and mobility of the wind. Though some could see them as the more chaotic of the clans, nothing could be further from the truth. Mastering tactics of wind and grace, those samurai who pick up the Blade of Clouds are both serene, and deadly killers.  The Katana's vary in ther appearance, some taking on cloudlike motifs along the hilt, or flying creatures etched into the blade.  Regardless, the blade of clouds always seems much lighter than it actually is after it is forged.

LvL - 5 Choices
The spirit within your katana awakens and begs for release. At this point the Katana truelly is weightless, and in some cases the blade itself becomes nearly transparent. Regardless the spirit wishes for nothing more than release into combat, for that is where it can truelly be free.
As you utilize an Iaijutsu maneuever your sword lunges forward with powerful blasts of air, propelling you into the sky if you so desire. When utilizing an Iaijutsu maneuever you can choose to fly your speed instead. The flight lasts until the beginning of the next round where you fall unless you choose to utilize another Iaijutsu maneuever. Falling at the end of this maneuever does not damage you, as if you had feather fall cast upon you.
1 - You need not fear the skies, for your spirit ensures they have no power over you. While in posession of the sword you take no fall damage, as if you were constantly under the effects of a feather fall spell.
2 - The spirit in your blade causes constant blasts of wind and air to slam against your foe during battle. Your critical hits cause blasts of air to propell your oppoent, or you, 20' away. The wind created by this blast does not propell a creature of huge or larger size. If you choose the creature to be propelled it moves away from you, if you choose to be propelled you move away from it.
3 - The spirit of your blade is powerful enough to physically manifest from your actual blade. Sheathed around your katana is a blast of cutting air. Treat your weapon in all respects as being a reach weapon, you may still attack with it normally while adjacent to opponents.

LvL - 10 Choices
Now much more powerful, the spirit of air within your katana constantly stirs the winds around you. Potential power and motion seem to emenate from you, and the the spirit of your sword wishes only to be released to aid in the destruction of your foes.
From this point on you can throw your weapon up 30' from you, the weapon returns to your hand after it hits or misses your target. This can be used in conjunction with an Iaijutsu maneuver.
1 - Wind cuts at your foes as your blade passes near, making it nearly impossible to escape the damage from your attacks. During an Iaijutsu maneuver that misses you still do dmg to your target. The damage is equal to d10 + the enhanecment modifiers on your weapon.  No other modifiers to damage, special damage, extra attacks, or any other addition to the weapons attacks from feats, class features, etc.
2 - During an Iaijutsu maneuver you can create a scythe of wind from your katana's blade to strike foes at a greater distance than a samurai's normal attacks. This blade of wind travels at up to a range of 110'. The attack roll is normal, and does normal damage for yor katana. The damage is identical to what your swords properties would normally confer, but is not subject to extra attacks from your maneuver, nor do you get the extra damage from your sudden strike, as the attack is not as precise as an actual melee strike. This is a ranged attack and uses the standard rules for ranged weapons.
3 - Your spirit connects you with the sky itself, and in moments of need allows you to cut the very sky asunder. During an Iaijutsu maneuver when you score a critical hit you cause crashing thunder to slam against your foe. Your foe is dazed for one round, and deafened for d3 rounds. This is only works on creatuers subject to critical hits and the above conditions. Creatures immune to sonic energy ignore this effect.

LvL - 15 Choices
Your katana's blade loses all substance becoming  a mutable blade of wind, completely at your design and creation. The spirit, now much more powerful, is more fully under your control, though still constantly strives to be free, if only to slice into the flesh of your opponents.
While wielding your Katana you now have reach. If you already had reach you threaten an additional square. Anyone provoking an attack of oppurtunity recieves an Iaijutsu attack in lieu of a regular attack. You do not get movement from this manuever, simply the attack.
1 - Utilizing this technique the samurai can unleash the unrestrained power of his katana. When utilizing an Iaijutsu maneuver a samurai can give up his movement mode to instead attack a single target. The target takes damage as normal, the samurai can then make a single attack roll against every creature within reach. If a hit is scored the targets take damage as if they'd been struck by the extra attacks as blades of wind crash against them.
2 - Wind is your greatest weapon, and utilizing your own skill and the spirits will, you have developed a technique to turn the wind around you into a deadly weapon. The damage dealt by your sudden strike is no longer considered sneak attack damage, and is not subject to the limitations described within that section. It is a blast of wind, and is just as powerful versus an undead opponent as it is a living one. the target must still be flat footed for you to utilize this power.
3 - The spirit within your blade is held at bay by your will, only to be released in blasts of destructive force when you so will it. Whenever you threaten a critical hit against an opponent you can choose to strike him with a blast of destructive force, doing an additonal 3d6 points of damage and forcing him to move 60' away from you, taking falling damage as per normal should he impact a solid surface, furthermore, the spirit in your weapon allows you to fly forward, landing adjacent to your foes new positions.

LvL - 20 Choices
Your Katana and yourself are a fused spirit of powerful and destructive winds. You are as much a spiritual being as your Katana is, and gain some of the spiritual essence of the very clouds themselves.
While utilizing an Iaijutsu maneuver you become partially insubstantial until the start of your next round. For the purposes of attacks posed against you, treat yourself as being Incorporeal.
 1 - This deadly, powerful technique brings down the very heavens upon not only your target, but to those near you. Samurai adopting this dangerous technique usually stay clear of there companions. Whenver you utilize an Iaijutsu manuever and score a critical hit you cause thunder and lightning to crash and cascade around you and your opponent. This attack does 6d6 pts of lightning damage to all creatures within 20' of the target and deafens it for d3 rounds. This technique does not affect you.
2 - The spirit elevates you and those you designate as allies. So long as you have the sword in your posession you gain a flight speed of 100' with perfect manueverability, as does any ally who stays within 60' of you plus 4 rounds after they leave. Though not a combat technique, it shows the mastery of the spirit and the samurai over the heavens, and allows for tactical maneuver and the engagement of foes normally restricted from this class.
3 - You do damage from the crashing, destructive movements of the air around you. Nothing is safe from your attacks. You can score critical hits on any creature. Nothing is safe from your wrath.


Ocean Blade -
The Ocean represents constant strength, size, and durability. The Ocean is unyielding, and sometimes overbearing. Many clans that epitomize the Ocean are Lawful Nuetral, and most who take on the ways of the Ocean spirits are old clans with rich, honorable histories. Ocean spirits are some of the oldest and most powerful spirits in the world, and the swords are crafted with meticulous care to make sure that the hosted spirits gain a shell worthy of them. Many Samurai with an Ocean Blade Katana take great care and respect of there weapon, offering rituals and offerings to honor there blade, especially after grave battles. The Ocean Blade Katana is very similar to most other masterwork katana, save that the hilts are usually etched with aquamarines, coral, and pearl. The blades tend to be heavier than usual, and have wave motifs etched carefuly into the blades sides.

Level 5 - Choices
The unyielding nature of the sword manifests fully within your katana. You can feel the great surge of strength within it, and the blade assures you that no foe can defend against the sheer power of your attacks.
DR of any type is ignored by this blades attacks.

1 -  The great weight of your spirit rests within you as well, and you are as stubborn in motion as it is. While you posess the sword you ignore bull rush attempts from large and smaller creatures, and add your level as a bonus to resist grapple attempts and bull rush attempts.
2 -  The spirit within your katana crashes against your foe with unrelenting force, constantly seeking to knock him off balance. When utilizing an Iaijutsu maneuver and scoring a critical hit, you knock your opponent off balance causing him to provoke an attack of oppurtunity to any opponent aside from you within available reach.
3 -  The spirit of your sword is ancient, and you are young. The benevolent oceanic spirit sends waves of spiritual energy crashing into your foes when you need it most. Whenever you utilize an Iaijutsu maneuver and miss with your attack your sword creates a physical wave of spiritual energy that forces all adjacent opponents 20' directly away from you. You can choose not to use this power when you miss.

Level 10 - Choices
The spirit combines the natural elements and traits of itself with you as the two of you join more of your essence together. The waves of the ocean cannot be stopped, and neither can you when you set your spirit to it. While your Katana is in your posession you are not impeded by difficult terrain, pass any balance checks, and can walk on water and similar liquids, and your attacks are not impeded or penalized by water or similar liquids. You can breathe underwater normally, and have a swim speed equal to your land speed.

1 - The crushing strength of your attacks constantly sets your enemy off its guard. When you utilize an Iaijutsu maneuver your opponent suffers a penalty to its attacks and armor class equal to 2 plus 1 for each extra attack you get. This penalty lasts until the start of your next turn.
2 - A technique mixing your strength and the crushing the waves of force within your katana, you can utilize this skill to press foes away from you. When utilizing an Iaijutsu maneuver you force an opponent to move 10' + 10' per extra attack. You can choose to stay with the target as you move them.  This forces movement does not provoke attacks of oppurtunity.
3 - Moreso than most, your form is unyeilding and stubborn in its unrelenting movement. When utilizing your Iaijutsu maneuver you can move over any obstacle 10' or less in height. Also, so long as you utilize an Iaijutsu maneuver you can ignore the slow and paralyzed conditions. You get no other actions while utilizing this technique, even free, immiediate and swift, but you would get all the actions involved within your Iaijutsu maneuver.  (This technique allows you to use such maneuvers is the condition already exists)

Level 15 Choices
The great strength, power and wisdom of the urelenting ocean has become a part of your own spirit. You are commonly seen as serene, cool, and distant, but within combat your are a nearly unstoppable, monstrous force.
While utilizing an Iaijutsu maneuver your attacks knock any medium size smaller opponent to the ground (treat as a free trip attempt, roll as per normal with a +4 bonus and they get no chance to counter trip) and causes larger creatures to become flat footed for a full round after your attacks. (no trip attempt needed)

1 - Size has no consequence when compared to the immense form of the ocean, and your spirit is all too willing to crush the pride of those who think to highly of there own stature. While your katana is in your posession you gain a +2 to your base damage for every size category your opponent posesses above medium.
2 - When an opponent is down, the weight of the ocean falling upon them all but seals there doom. When utilizing an Iaijutsu maneuver v.s. an opponent who you knock prone you may immiedately make a secondary attack v.s. that opponent (opponent must be adjacent). This secondary attack does not gain your bonus attacks, but does all your standard damage, and dazes your target for one round. Anytime you strike any oppnonent while they are prone, the daze affect also applies.
3 - The waves of force your spirit creates hampers your enemies and creates oppurtunites for you. When utilzing an Iaijutsu maneuver the crashing waves of energy around you cause the 10' of area around you to be considered difficult terrain. Also, anyone moving into this terrain provokes an attack of oppurtunity and allows an immiediate attack, regardless of if you would normally have reach or not, and not subject to the limited number of attacks of opp in a round (though only one per target as per normal).  The crashing waves of force only appears after you have completed the movement part of your manuever.

Level 20 Choices
Truely one with the nature and strength of your spirit, you can manifest physically the immense power that your Katana brings to the combat. Spiritual energy courses through you at a moments notice, and you gain the size and strength of the spirit within your blade.
The first time you utilize your Iaijutsu manauver in combat your size increases to Huge, and you gain all the benefits and penalties of being that size.
1 - When engaging your foe you smash against them, promising a quick and violent destruction. When utilizing an Iaijutsu manuever you also automatically do +4d6 points of trample damage and can force them to move 20' after your attack. The movement is always away from you.
2 - Size does not matter in the presence of the unending oceans. Size does not matter, for the purpose of all things your foe is considered to be medium in size. (He still retains size modifiers for str etc, but you would gain size advantage for grapples, bull rush etc.)
3 - Annoyances are swept aside in the destructive wake of the undending ocean. Whenever you make a sucessfull attack of oppurtunity you immiedately force move your opponent 20' away from you and knock it prone. The opponent takes an additional 2d6 points of damage from this attack.


Fastest Blade -
The Fastest Blade clans are similar to the Sharpest Blade clans. They prize the masterwork craftsmanship of there blades, and there clans have secret techniques of there blades construction passed down for generations. The spirits within the blades are ancestor spirits tied as far back as the clans creation, and allow masters of these rare Katana to become little more than a blur of motion and death among the battlefield. Sometimes called the masters of Iaijutsu, the Fastest Blade is among the most prestigious of the clans, though not necessarily the most powerful.  Nevertheless, much is expected out of the members of this clan, and there Samurai tend to be serious and skilled.
The Katana's from this clan are varied, but they all share one quality, the weight of there blade is half that of a normal Katana, and there balance is far superior. Most are simple in design, so as to not take away from the blades overall effectiveness and balance.

LVL 5 - Choices
Through technique, training, and the spiritual awakening of the ancestors within the blade you become more focused and attuned to the speed of not only the blade, but of yourself as well. So long as the Katana is in your posession you gain a +10' movemet to your land speed.

1 - A true blur of motion, you create a technique that increase the speed of your attacks to superhuman levels while initiating Iaijutsu, your form is simply too hard for the naked eye to pin down, making counterattacks difficult at best. When using an Iaijutsu maneuver you are considered to have concealment from enemy attacks, the concealment lasts until the beginning of your next turn. (this is not true concealment)
2 - Mastery of Iaijutsu is mastery of speed, by training in both body and mind you have surpassed many samurai in the basis of this art.  Add 2d6 to your fastest cut damage.
3 - Speed is accuracy, and you know this all too well. Your momentum makes your attacks accurate, and accuracy is what is truelly needed to win a fight. For every 10' of movement you move during an Iaijutsu maneuver you add a +1 to your attack roll. You only considere movement from this classes class features + your base land speed. Haste, items, and similar effects are not taken into consideration, only the true speed of the samurai.

LVL 10 - Choices
Through extreme training and practice you have come to a beneficial union with your Katana. You recognize its speed, and the lack of speed in others. To you, combat seems to take place in slow motion.
While your ancestral blade is in your posession you always go first in combat.
1 - Attacking first is key, and getting to your opponent quickly is what a samurai must achieve to win. During the first round of combat you can double your base movment by utilizing an Iaijutsu maneuver. If you strike your opponent and it is applicable you add 4d6 points to your fastest cut damage. For the purpose of this movement you move so fast as to ignore difficult (but not impassible) terrain.
2 - Speed and momentum carry you through battles. This offense, the mastery of Iaijutsu, is key to the greatness of any samurai. Unlike others, you have truelly begun to maste this speed in all aspects. When utilizing an Iaijutsu attack your first extra attack gains the full damage dice of your fastest cut special ability, if applicable.
3 - Not only offense, your speed is also your defense. You have utilized a technique that not only allows you to attack your enemies, but to stay out of harms way by utilizing your great speed. When utilizing an Iaijutsu maneuver you add a +1 to your ac as a dodge bonus and a +1 to reflex saves for every 10' you move (max of +5). In addition if you move at least 30' during the attack you are considered to have evasion until the start of your next round.

LVL 15 - Choices
You finally begin to recognize the true and phenomenal worth of your Katana. You are much more in tune with it, and you feel as much a part of it, is it does to you. Your ancestor spirits guide your strokes and attacks, for you move so fast at this level, that the sheer magnitude of it is nearly impossible for you yourself to keep up with.
When Utilizing an Iaijutsu manever at this level you move three times your normal movement.
1 - You are beyond the standard samurais typical training in Iaijutsu, and have mastered Iaijutsu at a level that samurai years older have not yet achieved. Add one to the total number of extra attacks you make against an opponent when utilizing an Iaijutsu attack.
2 - Speed is your greatest offense and defense. You have developed a technique of such magnitude that you are impossible to see, as you move too fast for the eye to train on. To your opponent you appear as ever shifting images. When you get to an opponent utilizing your Iaijutsu maneuver you make your attack as if you were from any square adjacent to that opponent. Also, when an opponent attacks you he treats as attacking as if you had mirror image upon you(unlimited amount, 1 and 6 chance to hit), though this is an extraordinary ability, and not an illusion. When you begin your turn at the beginning of the next round you place your miniature on any square adjacent to the opponent.
3 - Impossible to pin down, impossible to predict. You are little more than a constant blur of speed and attacks. After you make an Iaijutsu attack you may resume moving if you have any movement left. Also, so long as you moved at least half your movment, you are displaced, as the spell, though this is not considered an illusion, but an extraordinary ability. This lasts till the beginning of your next round.
LVL 20 - Choices
You are a true master of Iaijutsu. You are both fast and powerful, and you surpass most other samurai not of your clan in terms of sheer speed. One with your ancestors and your blade, you are a true force to be feared upon the battlefield.
Your blade is everywhere at once, when utilizing an Iaijutsu attack after you move you may attack every adjacent creature to you with a standard Iaijutsu attack as well.

1 - Your speed is beyond supernatural, at levels wizards and scholars must ponder upon. For the purpose of applicable movment, your movement mode is considered teleportation.  You must still have line of effect and sight.
2 - Speed, not lucky strikes is your true measure of power. When you would score a critical hit you need not roll to confirm, make another Iaijutsu attack v.s. that opponent, ignoring any subsequent critical threats. This works against creatures not subject to critical hits. If you choose to confirm the critical hit, you do not get the subsequent attack.
3 -  Opponents must be on guard, for your attacks are nearly at the speed of thought. Any oppening from your opponents could be fatal. So long as your sword is in your posession, any time an opponent misses you with an attack you automatically do an extra attack v.s. that opponent (as per the Iaijutsu extra attack). This hits automatically. this can happen once per round per opponent.


Blade of Shadows
This clan represents one dedicated to the void, and the powers that it posesses. Clansmen of the Shadows are looked down upon by many other Samurai, for at a glance it would seem they are elusive and masters of trickery. This is not the case, and far from it. Clansmen practicing the blade of shadows take away the tricks and illusions there foes would use against them, and strike in such away that there attacks cannot be avoided. Katana's with the Shadow Blade all have pure black blades, though the hilts themselves have varying designs and crafts. The spirit within the blade is usually a lonely one that had drifted in the void for far too long. Members of these clans tend to be loners, even for samurai, and tend to stick to there own means rather than rely on others.

LVL 5 Choices
The lonley, distant spirit of the void within your Katana awakens, and the blade itself takes on a smokey black image. Only the owner of this katana can wield it at this point, for it becomes little more than a masterwork hilt outside of his hands.
The weapon, being ephemeral, can strike such creatures easily. While using this weapon the samurai can strike incorporeal and ethereal creatures regularly. Also, the weapon can never be sundered or damaged from this point on, and disarm attempts are impossible.

1 - Your sword is an extension of the void, and thus is not affected by the same restrictions of space and distance. No foe can truelly escape your attacks. Whenever you miss an opponent with an Iaijutsu maneuver that opponent is considered missed. The opponent takes damage equal to 1 extra attack as a blade of force rips into your opponent from seemingly nothingness. The extra attack uses the normal rules for extra attacks under the Iaijutsu rules.
2 - Your sword is vaguely anchored by the bindings of reality as the void exists in all places at once, and you to can temporarily escape the basic laws of the world. When using an Iaijutsu maneuver you imiediately teleport back to your starting square if you hit your opponent. You may choose to not use this ability by declaring it before your attack.
3 - The void itself is a vacuum if imeasurable degrees. By utilizing this technique you open up the katana, turning it into a physical gateway to the void. When utilzing an Iaijutsu technique you can force move every opponent within 20' of you to become adjacent to you. You can do this in lieu of the movment portion of your Iaijuts attack.

LVL 10 Choices
You and the spirit within your dark blade begin to mesh. Your spirits join, and you realize the intense loneliness and darkness your spirit had to endure. With the promise of companionship, the spirit is now willing to impart more of its mastery of the void unto you.
While this katana is in your posession you gain blindsight out to 60'. All normal rules apply to this blindsight.

1 - Your sword is a thing of destruction and void, and the darkness of the blade is a promise to your enemies. Creatures reduced to 0 hp by your Iaijutsu attacks are disintigrated, as the spell. A wish or miracle is needed to revive such creatures from the void before performing a raise dead or similar effect.
2 - Your sword is a piece of the void itself, and one can never truelly be rid of it once it has affected them. Any time you score a critical hit while using an Iaijutsu attack a bit of your sword breaks off into the wound, creating a void that slowly eats away at the opponent. Every round on there turn they take damage as if you had hit them with a standard extra attack as the wound starts destoying all the material around it. Creatures immune to critical hits still can be affected by this technique, but you must confirm the critical hit as per normal.
3 - You control your sword as a gateway into the void itself. Though mastery of this power is difficult, you have created a technique to help defend your allies, should you make any. So long as you have the sword in your posession you can pull projectiles to you instead of there intended target. The intended target must be 30' from you. Though the voidgate pulls the projectiles towards you, it also thwarts there accuracy, and the attack roll is at a -4 penalty when hitting you. This works on any physical or magical projectile that does not hit automatically.

LVL - 15 Choices
The blade of shadows is now nearly at your complete control. Over its loneliness and sense of abandonment the ancestral blade is willing to utilize all of its powers to see that your goals suceed. Now at nearly its full potential, the blade is a thing of mutable shadows, and grants its wielder great versatility in combat. When the Samurai uses an Iaijutsu maneuver the blade seemingly splits into multiple blades of shadow, and at the last possible moment the samurai chooses the real path of his katana. Roll 2 dice on any Iaijutsu attack roll, accept either result.

1 - You are a near perfect embodiment of the void, and promise your foes a taste of your otherworldly destruction. When you utilize an Iaijutsu maneuver you add one temporary negative level to him as the void sucks the very life essence from his body. On a critical hit when utilizing this technique your opponent is also automatically slowed for one full round as the strength and life force leave him crippled and disoriented.
2 - The power of your sword is also in its lack of power. By applying cuts without physical force, you allow there supernatural force to be all too present. By foregoing the strength modifiers of your attack, the bonus damage from the samurai class feature, and the use of any power attack damage, you allow your blades extra attacks to utilize all special damage from your ancestral blade class feature. Also, by utilizing this technique you can score critical hits against any creature type with this attack.
3 - While the sword is in your posession you are a walking gateway into the void. Non magical projectiles automatically get sucked awaying into your swords blade if they are targeted at you. In addition, standing clouds, dusts and the like get sucked away as you move through them, and do not effect you, finally, swarms are dispersed as you move through them, though reform after you pass.

LVL - 20 Choices
The blade of shadow is a gateway to the void itself. It no longer has any substance, though with the complete merging of your spirits is now has goals and a purpose, something it had been striving to gain for an eternity. Being a blade of nothingness, armor and conventional defenses do nothing against your attacks. When you attack an opponent, you need only make a touch attack in lieu of a regular attack.

1 - Speed, the hallmark of your Iaijutsu takes a back seat to the power of the void itself. Your fastest cut damage is no longer critical damage, and is treated as a disintigration effect. While utilizing an Iaijutsu attack, you double the fastest cut damage v.s. any opponent in which you score a critical hit.
2 - Not only the lure of the physical, but the void disrupts the essence all who touch your mind or spirit as well. So long as you have your ancestral blade, whenever you make a will saving throw v.s. a spell or effect, the caster or creator of that effect must make a will saving throw utilizing the save of the spell or effect used against you or become helpess for d4 round as his mind and soul is temporarily absorbed into the void. This works on any creature with an intelligence score over 4. Even undead. If you save v.s. effects based on will, you take no secondary effect.
3 - Space and distance have no meaning in the void, as all are connected in emptiness, and you can attack from any corner of that emptiness. Whenever you utilize an Iaijutsu attack and score a critical hit, you can immiediately deal your fastest cut damage to every opponent within 60' of your location, regardless of line of sight or effect. This damage is done regardless of immunity to critical hits etc.


Dragon Blade
Dragon represents courage and honor in Uldrak mythology, as well as great power and strength. Clans utilizing the Dragon Blades are usually some of the most sucessfull. Clans worship various dragons, but always take the dragon types strong points and create a strict code of ethics and rules around it. Dragon Blades tend to vary greatly from clan to clan. A red dragon clans blades might have ruby eyes in a draconic hilt and a red tint to the blade. A silver dragon clans blade might be near silver in its sheen, and cool to the touch. Each blade, as it is probably apparent, has an ancestral dragon spirit hosted with it, a mighty representation of the dragon type associated with the clan. Through many tests and trials, an apprentice samurai must constantly prove its worth to the spirit within his blade.

LVL - 5 Choices
The spirit within the blade awakens. It lends its power to you, though it is apparent that you have yet to prove your worth to your ancestral blade. Regardless, knowing that the strength and power of this spirit is now at your side, you become a warrior without fear of others.
So long as you posess this blade you become immune to fear.

1 - The crafting technique along with the awakened spirit of the blade makes you immune to the energy damage of the dragon type within your katana. This lasts so long as the ancestral blade is within your posession.
2 - Other clans may get respect, but the clans holding the spirits of the dragons within them are considered to be above the norm, and worthy of the greatest respect. While the ancestral blade is in your posession you gain a bonus to charisma based skills equal to one half your samurai level. This also applies to ability checks based on charisma.
3 - Your wrath is to be feared, and when you bear your strengths against your enemies it takes all there will to not run from you in terror. Whenever you initiate an Iaijutsu maneuver and hit, the target of your attack is shaken for 1 round, if applicable.

LVL - 10 Choices
The spirit has begrudgingly accepted you as worthy of its great strength and power, and now allows you to acess more of that in combat. Knowing you have the great strength and might of the draconic spirit within your blade allows you to boost your own confidence and power even more.
So long as you have the ancestral blade in your posession you gain a +3 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls v.s. your opponents.

1 - Iaijutsu is the mastery of speed, but dragons greatest weapon is there mastery of there mighty breath weapon. You combine the two, bringing forth the power of your spirit when speed would normally be your greatest asset. Your fastest cut damage is no longer critical damage, but can now be treated as energy damage of the type posessed by your draconic spirit.
2 - You are terrifying to your foes, and as you demonstrate the fullness of there power they can do little else but stand under your magnificence in sheer terror. While utilizing an Iaijutsu maneuver, when you roll a critical hit v.s. an opponent already shaken that creature is stunned for 1 round. Once you utilize this power on an opponent he can no longer be affected by it for 24 hours. Creatures not shaken suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls and ac for one round after this attack.
3 - The power and magnificence of your spirit mixed with your own worth can be felt by your comrades. So long as you are within 30' of your allies they recieve a +4 moreale bonus to saves and a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls. This functions only if you have your ancestral blade within your posession.

LVL - 15 Choices
The spirit of the sword meshes more comfortably with your own spirit and you can feel the power and presence of the majestic dragon more fully. Your foes now too know the full might and strength you bring to combat, and do not look forward to clashes with you.
When utilzing your Iaijutsu maneuver you become as terrifyingly majestic as the dragon spirit within your blade. Every opponent with 30' as well as your opponent must immiediately roll a will save DC 10 + half your level + charisma mod or be stunned for 1 round. This is a fear effect. Once affected, regardless of save, the same creature cannot be affected again for 24 hours. creatures saving or failing the save are still shaken for 1 minute.

1 - The spiritual powers of your ancestral blade manifest more fully. Any special energy damage of the same type as your dragons breath type is at maximum value. This can maximize damage from any source from your class features, including abilities from your ancestral blade, but does not include sources outside class features. (such as magic items, alchemical items, etc)
2 - Through the combination of your sucess, and increased power, your confidence and strength grow. More so than most, the draconic spirit lends you some of its real, raw power. So long as you have the ancestral blade in your posession you gain a +4 bonus to your strength and charisma. This is an untyped bonus and stacks with all other bonuses.
3 - As you succeed, the confidence in your spirit increases, as does yours, increasing your own power even more. Every time you suceed at an attack roll during an Iaijutsu attack you increase your base damage and attack rolls by 1 for subsequent attacks. This bonus starts at the beginning of your next round and lasts until this battle has ended. If you score a critical hit this bonus is doubled. The maximum bonus in any combat is 10.

LVL - 20 Choices
The spirit has accepted you fully, and through the merging of your combined power you have increased your potential to heights unheard of. Like the spirit within your blade you can emit from your katana a bit of its breath weapon onto your foes. Whenever you utilize an Iaijutsu attack you can choose to emit a blast of energy associated with the dragon spirit within the blade. The attack does +10d6 points of that energy damage. Once this ability is used it cannot be used again for d4 rounds.

1 - Your confidence in your own ability manifests fully to your attacks. Whenever you utilize an Iaijuts maneuver you can choose to take 10 on the attack.
2 - Your strength of presence demands respect. So long as you have your ancestral blade all creatures you interact with that have an intelligence score higher than 6 treat you as friendly. Enemies are still enemies, but they will at least treat you with the respect deserved by your station.
3 - The spirit of the dragon meshes with you fully in times of need. Whenever you utilize an Iiajuts maneuever you gain the half dragon template with the dragon type of your choice. This template lasts for the remainder of combat and subsides when combat is over.


Spirit Blade
The clans utilizing the spirit blade are standard practitioners of Iaijutsu. They do not mesh with there spirits, nor do they attempt to draw there power unto themselves. Clans utilizing the Spirit Blade technique take careful measures to bind a willing spirit into a katana. These spirits have been protectors and defenders of the clan since ancient times, and have agreed to be bound into these weapons to be drawn upon in times of need and strife. Instead of using the powers of the spirits, this clan has developed techniques to release the spirit into combat for short periods of time, gaining a powerful, ancient ally within combat. Some clans actually have imprisoned harmful spirits within there blade, and subdued them, releasing them from there cages to attack there enemies, before sealing them back within there katanas.

(See Ancestral Spirit Blade post for details on powers)

Ok, those are the base choices and abilities of the individual clans. The diversity would allow someone who like the samurai, or a specific clan the ability to play them in new ways. Hopefully.

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