Saturday, July 28, 2012

The BeeKeepers Gauntlet

The strange tale of the BeeKeepers Gauntlet is well recorded, as it happened within the current age, during the war of Blood Grass. Many know that it was at this time that the halfling and gnomes came over from the Five Stone Isles to help in the war. Though small, they were fierce, and knew war as much as the taller folk did. Scholars around the empire say that if it wasnt for there courage and sacrifice the war would ahve been lost, most believe this to be true. During this time, a hero emerged from the Isles by the name of Zuke Ellywick, a hill gnome. Zuke was a practiced warrior, but also a god of hornets. He was fierce, fast, and amazingly deadly for his small size. Like a hornet he would attack repeatedly, taking damage but ignoring it, growing angrier and deadlier instead. Zuke however never fought alone, alongside him or at least nearby, was his less acomplished brother Baxxel Ellywick. Baxxel was wizard, but primarily an engineer, and not a very good one. Most of his creations were of poor quality, or unpractical. Never the less Zuke was proud of his brother, and used whatever strange odd devices his brother would create for him, regardless of there worth. Wanting to help his brother, Baxxel came up with the idea of creating a bracelet that enhanced the powers of his mantle, utilizing all of his knowledge and know-how he created a gauntlet of finely crafted golden bees, interlocked over each other. The fragile looking bracelet was suprisingly durable, and Baxxel proudly called it the BeeKeepers Gauntlet. Though he was chastised and ridiculed by his peers for his  outlandish creation (the mantle was of hornets, not bees afterall), Baxxel swore to his brother that when his rage had reached unparalled heights the bracelet would augment his powers to unbelievable levels by meshing with the mantle of hornets. Zuke took the bracelet, donned it, and for the rest of his life never took it off. Battle after battle they fought against hobgoblins on the Blood Grass plains, and battle after battle the BeeKeepers Gauntlet stayed silent. Zuke never outwardly expressed any problems with the gauntlet, and if asked would comment that it was the most powerful creation his brother had ever made. Baxxel knew it would activate one day, but he was content that his brother wore it, that was enough, that made the act of his creating it that much more worthwhile, and he knew that one day he'd see the glorious powers of his greatest creation come to life. The day his eyes looked upon that great power never came. The exact day is lost to history, but it was in mid Ember, when the forces of Ravenspire were retreating there position. The goblins had put up a grand fight, and they deserved the field this day, holding the line would have been too costly, and so the total retreat was declared. As Zuke and Baxxel heard the order they got in there normal positions and guarded the retreat, Baxxel using his odd alchemical gadgets and magic, and Zuke using his incredible speed and power to delay the enemy so more of there allies could make a succesful retreat. Bahsone Kurzin, the hobgoblin in charge of the battle had other plans that day, he wanted to humiliate and destroy the forces before him to better demoralize the armies for there next encounter. Pressing his men forward he soon crashed through the defense line, and was stopped by a small, odd gnome who threw gadgets filled with acids, fires, glues and foul smelling liquids at him. Bahsone knew there was only one way to handle wizards, and that was swiftly, he moved to the gnome and in one motion cut Baxxel from his shoulder to his hip, the Hobgoblins large sword smashing into the ground after his cleave. Baxxel died quickly, and quietly, his toys and gadgets falling like broken glass around him. Others in Baxxels squad moved to get the gnomes remains but the Hobgoblin was too fierce, moving forward with deadly efficiency through the main defense line. Zuke saw the whole combat play out in slow motion. Goblins and Hobgoblins lay dead around him, but across the field, lying in a pool of blood, was his beloved brother. It was then, at that time, that The BeeKeepers Gauntlet activated, and though it was only for that one, short battle, it was written down and talked about for decades to come. Zuke, always a fierce opponent, exploded into rage as he raced across the battlefield. Goblins, Hobgoblins, Bugbears, all stood in his way, and all died. His hooked hammer slammed and killed opponents one after the other, all the while the guantles created by Baxxel grew brighter, and brighter. Bahsone could not ignore the commotion, so finally turned to confront it, what he saw must have put him in awe. Charging at him, covered in the blood and gore of dozens of his strongest allies was a small, fierce looking gnome. But what caught his attention and awe, was the blast of immense light radiating from some strange gauntlet. As the gnome ran at Bahsone he would flick his wrist, and small glowing motes of force would blast through his enemies, blowing holes in there bodies and catching them aflame. When he had to engage it was quick, and the guantlet ensured that his enemies were not only engulfed in fire. But what was truelly phenomenal was the sheer strength the gauntlet afforded Zukes blows. There was no avoiding him, Bahsone knew this, and so prepared himself. What followed was a battle of legendary proportions, Bahsone was a thinker, but he was also immensely strong and used tactics and force against the small Ellywick. Zuke on the other hand was speed and strength. It didnt take Bahsone long to know he was going to lose, he could keep up with most of the attacks, but the gnomes blows were amazingly fierce, and the small buzzing motes of fire were becoming more dangerous as the combat drew on. Bahsone knew he had only one chance, in a gamble, he parryied a blow of zukes, and in a single elegant motion with his greatsword he knocked zukes weapon out of his hands, then spun around and came down hard on zukes shoulder. The blade struck true, cutting through Zukes shoulder blade and down into his ribcage, but unfortunately for Bahsone, the fight wasnt over. His life oozing from his body Zuke would not be defied by death, his brother, his beloved brother would be avenged this day, and all would know the greatness of the Ellywicks. Zuke smashed the BeeKeepers gauntlet into the side of the sword still stuck in his chest, smashing through the blade with ease, then in one motion he grabbed the piece still sticking out of his shoulder and spun around, and up, slamming the broken piece of the generals own greatsword in, and through his head. Bahsone died, a look of suprise on his burning face. But zuke wasnt done, hunched over, the last of his life force dripping out of him, he pointed his gauntlet at the oncoming goblin horde, Baxxels gauntlet did the rest. Bee after burning bee jumped off of the gauntlet and streaked at the oncoming mass of hobgoblins. The enemy didnt know what hit them, the bees would streak past them, then explode in great balls of fire, blowing up dozens of enemies at a time. For the next few moments of his life, even after his body fell to the ground, blast after blast of fire erupted into the hobgoblins numbers. Hundreds died. Enough for the Ravenspire General to countermand his retreat, and eventually win the battle. Zuke and Baxxel were regarded as heroes of the war, given suitable medals for there deeds, and had there remains shipped back to the Five Stone Isles where they were buried within the Ellywick estate, the mantle and bracelet buried with them. Even to this day ther names are widely known, and the Ellywick line lives on as noted adventurers and leaders.

The BeeKeepers Gauntlet -
Creates +1 shurikens (small glowing bee like darts) that can be used by the wielder of the guantlet. The surikens are destroyed after there use. The holder of the gauntlet is proficient in the use of these shurikens.

5 - can throw one shuriken a round at applicable target as part of full round action. (No AOO)
6 - Shuriken has the flaming quality
7 -
8 - +2 strength enhancment
9 -   All weapons held get flaming quality
10 - +2 shuriken
11 - +4 strength enhancement
12 - +3 shuriken
13 -  has the burn quality D6
14 - 2/day swift cast fireball (CL 12)
15 - +4 shuriken
16 -  +6 strength
17 -  +5 flaming burst keen shurikens
18 -
19 -
20 - Meteor Swarm 1/day

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