Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Power of a Wish

(This is a game related post that covers some information that took place during the last adventure.)

Kaliora - "I wish I was regarded as a noble." - "I wish a seneschal would aid me in my trials"
-- After the wish was uttered, a string of events unfolded. Shortly after returning a note reached Kaliora detailing a recent change in her status. apparently an elderly woman named Ellevette Lazaar had recently passed away. The woman, a well to do high elf, was the last in her line of her family. There were apparently no known survivors to take the name of the line. As chance would have it a studious academic in charge of the record keeping regarding that particular noble realized that there was a female elf along the same blood that had produced a half elven offspring. The elven woman did not know she herself was part of a traditional noble line, nor did her daughter. The elven woman died of illness, and her husband and his house were destroyed spectacularly under mysterious cicrumstances. The half elven child could not adopt her fathers title, as he was human, however high elven customs permit half elven descendants, should they be the last of the line, to inherit the noble name, so long as its under the Alborine banner. Though the house is no longer standing, the Elven Title is now under the care of Kaliora, and seeing  as she has aquired a manor of some worth, the title has worth among the noble caste within Alborine, though she can only aquire a least noble's status as of right now."
"Shortly after recieving news of her upgraded status and title, a man presented himself. The elderly man, calling himself Vahlendrad, is a half alborine, half ravenspire mix. He has a great deal of knowledge when it comes to finances, nobility, titles, and ettiquette, as well as knowing the ins and outs of expectations among the Greater Nobles, and the means to aquire more power within the noble houses. Vahlendrad offers his services, at no rate, only asking for room, board, and the means to do his job proffesionally. Vahlendrad has no qualms about working with an arcanist, nor does he care about the ins and outs of morality, only wishing to see his mistress achievers her goals."

Kerrivas - "I wish I had more wealth." "I wish I had Witch's Ash"
-- After making the two wishes there was apparently no change, however, among returning to Alborine after the boat ride you were met with a messenger just after arriving to the docks. Apparently due to Kerrivas's recent progress, he was awarded a gift. A package arrived at the house, and was secured by the people working upon the house. Upon opening the package you find that it is a small chest filled with platinum pieces, a small, strange greyish metal vial sitting neatly on top. To the side, is a small scroll, a white rose tucked into it. -- "Dearest Kerrivas. I am saddened that we could not meet in person. Gauthik speaks so highly of you, and you have done so much for us. I offer you this in light of your current achievements. I know you are not in the position you seek, but perhaps my gift will make achieving that goal a bit easier for you. If so, I have done well. Seek always to do that which betters his name. Your friend and confidant. White-"  -- The chest contains 14000gp as well as a single dose of Witch's Ash. ((DC - 32 fortitude save. Initial damage. Total Destruction. Soul Destruction. Cannot be ressurected, cannot reach the heavens. Must be immune to poison and disease to be immune to this effect. There is no secondary effect.))

Indeera - "I wish the thoughts of those around me were clear to me." - "I wish my Consort to be was better suited for her upcoming role"
Hearing her say the wish was a bit disconcerting, but there was no immiediate effect to her. It should be noted that Indeera does hold her hand to her right temple from time to time, as if in pain, and has given a knowing look to each party member on more than one occasion. Also, After returning home and getting settled in, Indeera anounces that Ella Sharai will be chosen as her official Consort, and that she will be second in command of the Crimson Circle in Indeera's absence. The ceremony to make the transition official will take place before the end of the downtime, and it is rumored that the Council has unanimously decided to award her chosen consort a Mantle to show there acceptance of the decision.

Varrin - "Wish I had the biggest cock in alborine." - "Wish I couldnt Die."
Hearing Varrins first wish isnt that suprising. His thoughts dont really go in directions of much complication. You could only imagine the outcome of it, and imaginint it was entirely pleasant. Needless to say he started saying how he'd need to find a new cod plate for his great-hammer.  The second wish was more perplexing, though you have no idea how it would manifest, or even if it worked. Varrin isnt one for conversation, so asking him about it only lead to, "Just dont want to die, so I can do more killing."

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