Friday, August 31, 2012

Mantle of the Wizard

Level Progression

1 - Speak Draconic
2 - +1 on spellcraft checks
3 - +1 round/min/10min/or hour/ on duration spells/spell like/item spells-spell like
4 -  Gain a 1st lvl familiar. Double the familiars skill related bonus if you already have one.
5 - Iconic Spell
6 - +1 to will saves
7 - Dispel Magic
8 - +2 on spellcraft checks
9 - +2 round/min/10min/or hour/ on duration spells/spell like/item spells-spell like
10 - AnySpell
11 - +2 to will saves
12 - Timeless body

SP ability - 1nc/day - CL=character lvl
Cast shield, magic missle, sleep, or charm person.
1 - 3/day
2 - all Iconic Spells cast are extended
3 - add burning hands and shocking grasp to Iconic Spell list
4 - all Iconic spells are enlarged or widened
5 - add tensers floating disc and expeditions retreat to Iconic Spell list
6 - all Iconic Spells are swift actions

SP ability - 1nc/day - CL = character lvl
Cast Dispel Magic as the spell
1 - 3/day
2 - +3 on the dispel check
3 - automatically dispels a single standing spell effect subject to dispel magic
4 - +6 on the dispel check
5 - Automaticaly works when cast v.s. an item. nuetralizes non artifact/relics for d4 rounds
6 - Automaticaly works when cast as a counter spell. No spell craft roll is needed.

SP ability - 1nc/day - CL = character lvl
Cast any core spell from 1st-2nd level arcane wizard spell list in the PBH.
1 - 3/day
2 - Spell can be affected with both the Silent and Still metamagic feats.
3 - cast up to 3rd level spells.
4 - Spell can be affected with both the Enlarge and Extend metamagic feats.
5 - cast up to 4th level spells.
6 - cast up to 5th level spells.

(as monk class feature)

1 - Extended Lifespan (+300 years)
2 - Gain 8 ranks in spellcraft if applicable.
3 - +1 insight bonus to AC
4 - CL on spells/spell like abilities/ and spell based magic items is +1
5 - +2 bonus to int.
6 - Perfect spell of the Wizard 1nc/day - Use as a free action when casting a spell, spell like ability from any source. The spell ignores SR. The spell is either Maximized or Quickened as the metamagic feat.

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