Monday, September 22, 2008

Character Stuff

This is a short post about my current character. His name is Arivain, and he is a half elf warlock. He is 26 years old, and has shoulder length golden hair, which has more substance to it than standard elven hair. He has passive blue eyes, and seems to stare off from time to time in thoughtful contemplation. He stands 5'11", but there isnt much muscle to him, although he carries himself well. He talks in a calm demeanor, and has a soft endearing smile. He is handsome to be sure, more handsome than most, and his elven traits make him even more attractive, but even aside from his physical beauty, there is an alluring and calming quality to the man. He dresses well, but never really stays with a particular look for long. His adventuring gear consists of military grade leather armor, but he carries little in the way of weaponry. He has no tattoos, and no scars to speak of.

He was born an islander, the son of a well known human painter, his mother is a well known trade diplomat. His human family is known to be scholars and artists, and are well regarded by others of the main islands, his elven family knows little of him, but his mother has introduced him to his full blooded sister who accompanies her on trade missions. Arivain was an intelligent and quiet boy growing up, but he was always well liked by his family. He was kept away from formal gatherings due to his mixed heritage, but was treated well regardless. When not helping his father on paintings, he was doing his own research on various other arts. When he was sixteen he joined the island military to discipline his mind, he stayed for three years, and was released after turning down a promotion as an officer. He then focused on more scholarly pursuits, and used his military training to help add realism to his often abstract mind. He attempted one written book of his own, known as "The passage of Arvindare" but it wasnt well recieved. Shortly after writing this book, he began having visions, and in an episode he still cant remember, he awoke with renewed vigor and eldritch power. Whispers from the stars commanded that he move to the main continent, commanded that he begin a search for something that could not exist, something out of sight of any sane man. He had his family book him passage shortly thereafter to the mainlands, and empowered with a new destiny, he seeks to understand the mysteries of the voices commanding him, and find a place for himself among the mainland, and among the stars which guide him.

I'll have more soon =)

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