Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Power stuff

Ok, so my character has two known star related entitites taht guide him. I'm assuming that the stars are windows into other dimensions, and that these are two of the many entitites that exist in the heavens. Xymos is a being that sends Arivain his fortitude, makes him more durable, and gives him a cold light to guide him. T'thotzar is a quiet entity, it makes Arivain more alluring and distinctive, it is a secret being, and one that is alien to the concept of sanity.

The powers that Arivain has are arcane in nature. Below is a list of the powers he currently has, and there manifestations.

Eldritch Blast - Is a dark violet surge of energy that radiates no warmth, but seems to burn its victims, and blasts bone and wood as if it had a force behind it.

Dire Radiance - This is a brilliance that Arivain can manifest on his enemies. He usually calls on Xymos to curse his enemies, but it isnt necessary for him to invoke any name to get results. The brilliance burns the flesh as if it were a fire, and as the enemy draws closer to arivain, the brilliance becomes greater, and causes even further discomfort and damage. Victims of this power that survive suffer vicious burn scars, and physical sickness for several weeks.

Curse - Arimain can curse in the name of Xymos or T'thotzar. A person cursed under xymos becomes branded somewhere on there head, or if they have none, the top center most point of there body or form. The curse appears as a patch of small gray scales, a brown discoloration of bone and non organic material, or patch of red vein like strings on most other forms. A curse in T'thotzar's name is a screaming or whispering in the ear of the victim that they cannot understand.

Dread Word - This is an ability that requires alot of focus and concentration. It is an encounter power in game terms. To use this power, Arivain concentrates on the target, and then by speaking the will of T'thotzar, he sends a single word to the ears of his target. Even if the target cannot hear, the word holds a physical meaning as well, as it is spoken directly to the psyche and soul of the individual. Arivain himself is not sure what the word is, all he knows is that it unravels the psyche of his target by telling him just one word of the worse possible fate to be bestowed upon him. It is also possible that the word is a the first in a descriptive text which depicts the realm in which T'thotzar resides, or perhaps of what T'thotzar's physical form looks like.

Frigid Darkness - Another encounter power that can be invoked by Arivain. By pointing at a target and invoking T'thotzar, Arivain gives life to the shadows around the target. The shadows become cold and distant, like the void surrounding the great gates of the sky, The target scrambles to get away from the cold darkness, but it moves with him, clinging to his warmth even as it drains the heat away.

Ethereal Stride - Another power which requires some concentration and effort. Arivain is not sure which entity trained this into him, but he has invoked both while channeling this power. by using this power, Arivain teleports a short distance from his current location. When he reapears he is not fully formed and slightly transparent. After he uses this power, those who know him can swear theres something different about him, although they can never pinpoint it, and physically he looks identical.

Crown of Stars- this is requires a great amount of concentration and physical exertion. It can be used only when well rested, and takes alot out of arivain every time he uses it. By invoking Xymos and channeling all his arcane energy to his head he causes a great eruption of light to burst out from the centerpoint of his skull. To those observing its as if his head is a shadowed skull with a brilliance pouring out of it. At the initial eruption of light, a thick beam of energy streaks away from him, Arivain can control it slightly, and generally points this towards a most dangerous enemy. After the initial eruption, small streams of this light erupt constantly, and arivain can mentally control there course to futher harass his enemies. Like all light of Xymos, this causes physical burns to those it strikes, but has no heat. The light does not hurt Arivain in any way, although using this power does exhaust him greatly.

ok, thats his powers. i'll have more later!! =)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very cool Phil. I like that you are customizing the powers to fit Aravain.