Thursday, December 10, 2009

The bandit of Bear's Cave -Adv 1-

(This post is dedicated to our new Forgotten Realms campaign. This takes place using 2nd edition rules. =). The above name is not the adventures actual first name, simply my post name for the first adventure.)

Ones first assignment can be a task of great patience. Knowing what to look for, what to accept, and what may try learned skills to there fullest. Erelldin felt a growing anticipation as he waited in the elf song tavern. Many adventurers were present on a constant level, and finding suitable and available work seemed a test of patience.

The first adventure came in the form of an attractive, if simple woman named Annara, an acolyte priestess of Gond. She was moving through the elfsong tavern nervously, speaking with the tavern guests about a scroll she carried. The first to join the ranks of her troupe was an obvious baldurian, but not necessarily one that lived within the walls of the city. He was an outdoorsman to be sure, and more than likely included himself among the rangers. He offered his services to Annara, as well as a late introduction. The humans name was Ferren, and although simple and rustic, he seemed a competent traveler, as well as a practiced swordsman. As explained by Annara, the church of Gond had apparently had a relic stolen. The culprit was a possible thief who had been seen using magic to make his daring escape. I had but little choice to add my insight into the investigation at this point, and it was shortly thereafter that I joined Annara on her quest. The promise reward was 50 g.p upon completion of tracking down the thief and retrieving the relic. Shortly after hearing the promised reward, our third member offered his services to Annara. The half elf named Rhy'vael was, by his heraldic ring, a merchant or perhaps merchant's son. He was interested more in the gold mentioned than the probability of any other gain. When asked about the skills he could offer, he made cryptic and evasive comments. Not very Reassuring. Regardless, after announcing ourselves and our abilities to Annara, she formerly accepted us and had us meet on the outskirts of the east gate to investigate an Inn and Tavern where the thief may have visited upon fleeing.

Personal Notes - Ferren did not look kindly to my possessions. Specifically of my loyal friend Etherell. After berating the potential of my skills, he also seemed to disdain me owning a horse. The man was infuriating, perhaps more so than Rhy'vael, who at least knew how to interact sociably and gracefully. Regardless, navigating his veiled insults was easy enough. Though world wise, Ferren did not appear to be nearly as sharp as his blades.

The Inn was a disgusting den of drunks and thieves. Halflings scurried about the place like rats, and the other denizens were scarred, dirty, and repulsive. Luckily Rhy'vael seemed to know how to handle the patrons of the tavern, and indeed, manipulated them with a skill that must have been passed down from his training as a merchant. Using nothing but his social skills, Rhy'vael got some information from an otherwise stubborn barkeep. The thief's name was Vanith, and he had boasted to the barkeep about stealing one of the treasures from the Temple of Gond. He also spoke about a cave he had found where he was intending to stash the relic until he could find a buyer. Now armed with a name and direction, as well as recently purchased steeds, we were ready to head out and capture Vanith. Almost ready. Skill and know how get you only so far, sometimes a bit of extra strength and grit are needed over finesse. One such "person" was present. A half orc name Vrog. After pulling at his mind with a simple enchantment, it took only a matter of moments to get the mercenary like half orc in the mood to hunt down and capture the thief. Now, after purchasing the half orc a mount, we were truelly ready.

Personal Note - The spell of charm worked out much better than expected. Though it is far from controlling an individual, it makes general response and social interaction far easier. After having tried it on several commoners and labormen, it was an interesting test of skill to have it succeed on a seasoned fighter.

Tracking was left in the realm of Ferren's skill. His was not a boast about his competence on the road. He knew his way around the outskirts and could see signs the others of us could simply not pick up on. As we progressed we found ourselves needing to camp for the evening. It was right before bedding down that our combat skills were put to the test. A pack of wild and rabid dogs attacked us right before we were able to set up a proper camp, no doubt they had been roaming the outskirts looking for other dogs or rabits to take down, and it was simple bad fortune that lead them to us. Although victorious, several things became clear during the fighting of these mongrels. Vrog, our enscorcelled half orc, was taken down and killed early on in this fight, though to his merit he was able to kill at least one of the beasts, as well as delay them long enough for Ferren to kill several with his bow before taking melee to them. My own spell was used to effectively in this combat as well, a blast of light reeling the minds of two of the beasts, knocking them uncoscious and taking them out of the fight. Rhy'vael, though skilled in tongue, was not as skilled with a blade. Regardless, our might won out over the lesser beasts, and we were camping within the hour, resting ourselves for a larger test.

Personal Note - Color spray worked quite well in actual combat. Though directing the imposing blast of light is hard to control in the heat of battle, it is certain that the spell will be quite effective against several smaller foes.

The next day was quite productive. Ferren made good on his word to track Vanith to his lair, and he did just that. It was unfortunate on several levels of the nature of Vanith's lair, for it quickly became evident that Vanith had unwittingly scouted out a bears home for his secret hide out, and was made a meal of by the homes inhabitant. This fight was much more difficult than the fight with the dogs. Again, Rhy'vael simply did not have the martial skill to challenge such a fearesome opponent. Ferren used his twin blades to great effect against the enraged brown bear, but the beasts ferocity nearly was his undoing, and after two vicious bites, the ranger fell to his wounds. My spells helped the combat at least, leaving the beast blinded, and coated in slick grease, which helped hinder its combat effectiveness. After setting the bear aflame, it was Annara that used her mace to crush in the wretched animals skull. Having won the day, Annara used her magic to heal the wounds of Ferren and Rhy'vael, and then retrieved the stolen artifact of Gond. This adventure was at a close, and after only a short delay, we made haste back to the gate.

Personal Note - Grease is an effective if dangerous spell to cast in close areas. The spells component is luckily highly flammable, and can be used to great effect against those caught in the spell.

(Ok, this is my adventure post! i'll have more very soon!)

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